Mercedes-Benz S-Class Saloon 2021 Owner's Manual page 189

Table of Contents


186 Climate control
T T o insert
o insert: : slide the acon into the holder as far
as it will go.
T T o r
o remov
emove: e: a er opening the glove box, wait
for approximately seven seconds and pull out
the acon.
If you do not use genuine Mercedes-Benz interior
perfumes, observe the manufacturers' safety noti-
ces on the perfume packaging.
Dispose of the genuine Mercedes-Benz interior
perfume acon when it is empty and do not re ll
R R e llable
e llable acon
Unscrew the cap of the empty acon.
Fill the acon with a maximum of 15 ml.
Screw the cap back on to the acon.
Always re ll the empty re llable acon with the
same perfume. Observe the separate information
sheet with the acon.
Inf Infor ormation on t
mation on the windscr
he windscreen heat
een heater er
ARNING Risk of burns from touching the
windscreen when the windscreen heater
is switched on
The windscreen can become very hot when
the windscreen heater is switched on.
The health of persons with limited temperature
sensitivity or a limited ability to react to high
temperatures may be a ected or they may
even su er burn-like injuries.
Do not touch the windscreen while the
windscreen heater is switched on.
Allow the windscreen to cool down
before touching it.
The windscreen heater will be enabled automati-
cally if ¬ is activated on the climate bar on the
central display.
A er the vehicle is started, the windscreen heater
will be switched on automatically as required.
Pr Pre-entr
e-entry climat
y climate contr
e control when t
ol when the v
unlocked ed
F F unction of pr
unction of pre-entr
e-entry climat
y climate contr
e control when t
v v ehicle is unlock
ehicle is unlocked ed
The seats can be brie y pre-warmed or pre-
cooled before you get into the vehicle.
he vehicle is
ehicle is
ol when the he


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This manual is also suitable for:

S class 2021

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