The Csu Configuration Screen - General DataComm 551 Operating And Installation Instructions

Intelligent channel service unit
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Circuit Delay result
This displays the total round trip delay using the DELAY TEST mode.
The delay is displayed in ms (milliseconds). For all delays in excess of
600 ms, >0.6 sec is displayed.
Reset Test Result Display
This function resets to 0 the test result displays (Cumulative Errors,
Tested Data Blocks, and Circuit Delay result). To use this function,
press R.
Initiate Test
This function starts the test. You cannot make any changes while the test
is running, nor can you exit this screen. To use this function, press I.
a. You cannot initiate a DS0 diagnostic while a DS1
diagnostic is in progress.
b. The DS0 Circuit Delay Measurement Test stops at
the local CSU automatically after computing the
delay, but leaves the remote CSU in the LOOPBACK
Terminate Test
This function stops the test. To use this function, press T.
The Supervisory terminal can be used to display and configure nearly
all of the DataComm 551 options that can be selected via option switches
on the pc card. The Supervisory terminal can also be used to restore the
factory default configuration for the CSU. Figure 3-17 illustrates the func-
tions available through the CSU CONFIGURATION screen. Configura-
tion selections made via the Supervisory terminal override those made
via option switches. Excluded from Supervisory terminal configuration
• Network Address (option switches S4-1 through S4-8)
• The options for the baud rate and character format for the Supervisory
terminal interface (option switches S6-1, S6-2, S6-4, and S6-5)
• Local Option Override (option switch S7-7)
• Ground (option jumper X2)
The CSU CONFIGURATION screen also indicates the CSU's Privilege
mode (whether it is configured as a MASTER or SLAVE CSU). A slave
CSU prevents configuration via the Supervisory terminal. If the user at-


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