One Hour Report Screen - General DataComm 551 Operating And Installation Instructions

Intelligent channel service unit
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tion of the Ones Density option (maximum of 15 or 39 zeros), defining the
maximum number of consecutive zeros transmitted before a "one" is in-
serted. The status line and front panel 0'S indicators reflect the current
status of excessive zeros.
DTE Low Average Density
This is a count of the number of times the CSU receives an equipment
signal with an average pulse density less than that selected with the Ones
Density option (minimum of N "ones" per 8(N+1) bits, where N = 1 to 24).
The status line and front panel indicators LAD reflect the current status
of the ones density.
Initialize Counters
This function clears from memory (initializes) the count for each of the
above errors. It also initializes the time interval, setting it to 0 hours and
0 minutes. The alarm counters should be initialized daily, because once
they reach their maximum value they no longer provide accurate infor-
mation. To use this function, press I. The CSU prompts Are You Sure?
( Y / N ) . Press N to abort this function, or Y to continue (the CSU displays
the message Cleared All Alarms as confirmation of this action).
This function displays error information that the CSU stores in the user
register set. It is similar to what the CSU stores in the network register set
and makes available to the Central Office upon its request for a 1-Hour
Performance Report. Although the 1-Hour Performance Report is required
only for the AT&T mode, the user register set (but not the network regis-
ter set) is also available for the ANSI mode. On power up, all registers
are cleared (reset to 0). The information is updated once every second. To
use this function, press O. Figure 3-10 illustrates the ONE HOUR
REPORT screen.
In Unframed Mode, the ONE HOUR REPORT screen is
removed from the DS1 DIAGNOSTICS menu (the en-
tire bandwidth is used for customer payload, so net-
work performance is not measured and this screen
does not apply).
Valid Intervals
This is a count of the number of valid 15-minute intervals during which
the CSU has been collecting data. The maximum count is 96.
Current Interval ES/FS
This is a count of the ESs and FSs for the current 15-minute interval.
When 15 minutes passes, this data is shifted down into the 1st 15-Minutes
counter and is replaced by new data. The maximum count for each is 900
(15 minutes = 900 seconds).


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