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GDC 087R706-000-02
Issue 2, October 1998
UAS 7000 Local Management
Includes Support for:
UAS 7001 NIU
UAS 7002 NIU
UAS 7616 DIU
UAS 7626 DIU
General DataComm, Inc.


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for General DataComm UAS 7000

  • Page 1 GDC 087R706-000-02 Issue 2, October 1998 Operation UAS 7000 Local Management Includes Support for: UAS 7001 NIU UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616M DIU UAS 7626 DIU General DataComm, Inc.
  • Page 3 Preface Local Management Access............1 UAS 7001 NIU................. 2 UAS 7002 NIU ................3 UAS 7616 DIU................. 4 UAS 7626 DIU................. 5 GDC 087R706-000-02...
  • Page 5 SpectraComm Manager (SCM) card installed in the shelf that houses the NIU and DIU cards that compose the UAS 7000 system. One SCM supports interface functions for up to 15 units in a single shelf or up to 31 units in a pair of shelves connected by daisy chain cables.
  • Page 6 The SpectraComm Manager Card Installation and Operation Manual, GDC Publication Number 048R303-000 explains how to establish a Telnet connection to the SCM LAN port. When you do so, the following screen is the first to appear Copyright (c) 1993-1998 General DataComm Industries Inc. All rights reserved SCM Application Version 3.41B...
  • Page 7 From this point, procedures are the same for both types of connection. The Shelf Inventory screen below is for a two-shelf UAS 7000 installation that contains four UAS 7001 NIUs, each associated with four UAS 7616 DIUs. Four is the maximum number of NIUs a system can contain.
  • Page 8 Drop 0 is always the DIU itself; select it to access the terminal interface screens for the master unit installed in the UAS 7000 shelf Drops 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 display the unit types of their corresponding dedicated remotes Because the Drop Inventory screen is generated dynamically, its appearance is not always the same.
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    2 UAS 7001 NIU Introduction ..........................2-1 Main Menu ..........................2-2 Configuration .......................... 2-3 Unit Configuration ......................2-4 Alarm Configuration ......................2-7 System Configuration ..................... 2-11 Current Service State ....................... 2-13 Diagnostics ..........................2-15 Monitor/Alarms ........................2-17 Maintenance ........................... 2-19 Performance ..........................
  • Page 10: Main Menu

    To access a function from the Main Menu, type the selection number that corresponds to it and press the Enter key. The following pages describe the individual terminal interface functions in detail. UAS 7001 Main Menu General DataComm Ind. Inc. Serial Number: 0078040523970001 Firmware Rev.:...
  • Page 11: Configuration

    UAS 7001 NIU Configuration The UAS 7001 Configuration menu screen shown in Figure 2-2 appears when you type 1 to invoke the Configuration function from the Main Menu. It contains the following selections: • Unit Configuration – for setting operating characteristics •...
  • Page 12: Unit Configuration

    UAS 7001 NIU Unit Configuration The UAS 7001 Unit Configuration screen shown in Figure 2-3 presents a screen of configuration options that determine operating parameters for the network interface of the UAS 7001 NIU. Each option is identified by a selection number and displays its current setting. Table 2-1, which follows the figure, lists the settings available for each option.
  • Page 13 UAS 7001 NIU Table 2-1 Unit Configuration Option Settings (Continued) Option Potential Settings [3] Fallback Clock Internal – 7001 serves as the send timing source for T1 data output to the network Source: if the configured Transmit Clock Source is unavailable (Default) Recovered –...
  • Page 14 UAS 7001 NIU Table 2-1 Unit Configuration Option Settings (Continued) Option Potential Settings [11] AIS Loopdown Inhibit; no loopback termination resulting from Alarm Indication Signal (Seconds): (AIS) (Default) 05 – 60; number of seconds of AIS that causes termination of loopback test Manual (Default) [12] Line Buildout Control: Valid only when Network...
  • Page 15: Alarm Configuration

    UAS 7001 NIU Alarm Configuration Selection 2, Alarm Configuration, from the UAS 7001 Configuration menu calls up the UAS 7001 Alarm Configuration Submenu shown in Figure 2-4. From that submenu you can select the two screens in which you perform the actual alarm configuration: the Alarm Masks Submenu, selection 1, or the Performance Alarm Thresholds Submenu, selection 2.
  • Page 16 UAS 7001 NIU UAS 7001 Alarm Masks Configuration Submenu Declared Alarm Masks [1] Loss of Signal (LOS) Reported [2] Loss of Framing (LOF) Reported [3] Alarm Indication Signal Reported [4] Received Yellow Masked [5] Timing Loss Reported Performance Alarm Masks [6] Bipolar Violations Masked [7] CRC Errors...
  • Page 17 UAS 7001 NIU UAS 7001 Performance Alarms Thresholds Submenu Type Time Interval Count Threshold Bipolar Violations [1] Not Used [7] 10,000 CRC Errors [2] Not Used [8] 10,000 Errored Seconds [3] Not Used [9] 10,000 Severely Errored Seconds : [4] Not Used [10] 10,000 Bursty Errored Seconds [5] Not Used...
  • Page 18 2-10 UAS 7001 NIU When the field displays the desired setting, press the Enter key. The highlight returns to the Select field. The All Alarms Control field displays Mixed when changes result in a mixture of Masked and Reported settings. Repeat steps 4 through 5 for each option you need to change.
  • Page 19: System Configuration

    UAS 7001 NIU 2-11 System Configuration Screen The UAS 7001 System Configuration Submenu screen shown in Figure 2-7 presents two configurable options and a display item. All three are involved in the way the UAS 7001 NIU interacts with the shelf backplane and the other devices in the shelf. Table 2-2, which follows the figure, lists the settings that can be displayed in each field.
  • Page 20 2-12 UAS 7001 NIU Table 2-2 System Configuration Option Settings Option Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7001 Main Menu. [1] Shelf Timing Generator: None – the unit does not provide timing to the backplane under any circumstances;...
  • Page 21: Current Service State

    The Current Service States screen, which you access through the SCM Backplane Control menu, is the only SCM Backplane Control function that applies to the operation of a UAS 7000 system. You need to use this function after you install a unit or reset it to factory defaults, and when you change System Configuration.
  • Page 22 2-14 UAS 7001 NIU The SCM responds by displaying SLOT 2 MP7001 DESIRED SERVICE STATE [G] Go To -> Service States [1] Line 1: Request Service State Up If the current state of the unit were Up, selection 1 would read Request Service State Down Type 1 and press the Enter key.
  • Page 23: Diagnostics

    UAS 7001 NIU 2-15 Diagnostics The terminal interface Diagnostics screen displays two selections. One corresponds to the Loopback test mode, the other has a selection for setting how long tests run. Figure 2-9 illustrates the Diagnostics screen. Table 2-3 describes the options. UAS 7001 Diagnostics [1] Loopback Mode No Loopback...
  • Page 24 2-16 UAS 7001 NIU The Diagnostic procedure involves the following steps: From the Main Menu, select the Diagnostics screen by typing 2 and pressing the Enter key. To select the loopback to be performed, type 1 and press the Enter key. Highlighting ap- pears on the Loopback Mode setting field.
  • Page 25: Monitor/Alarms

    UAS 7001 NIU 2-17 Monitor/Alarms When you select Monitor/Alarms, the screen displays the UAS 7001 Alarm Monitor screen shown in Figure 2-10. The screen displays ACTIVE or INACTIVE for each alarm condition to indicate whether or not the condition currently exists. Definitions of the alarm conditions appear below.
  • Page 26 2-18 UAS 7001 NIU Declared Alarms Loss of Signal (LOS) – occurs when the unit senses the absence of T1 signal. Absence of signal for a time equivalent to 175 bits (± 75) is considered no signal. Loss of Framing (LOF) – occurs when the NIU misses two out of four T1 framing bits Alarm Indication Signal –...
  • Page 27: Maintenance

    UAS 7001 NIU 2-19 Maintenance The terminal interface Maintenance screen displays information about the unit and provides three specialized control functions: Soft Reset, Reset to Factory Defaults, and Reset Statistics. Figure 2-11 illustrates the Maintenance screen. UAS 7001 Maintenance Serial Number: 0078040509970001 Firmware Rev.: [1] Soft Reset...
  • Page 28: Performance

    2-20 UAS 7001 NIU In response, the screen prompts for confirmation (in the actual displayed message, xxx is the name of the requested reset): *WARNING - xxx DISRUPTS COMMUNICATIONS Continue? [ ] Y(es), N(o) To continue the reset process, type Y and press the Enter key. In response, the Maintenance screen is replaced by the following message (with the NIU slot number): Error: Slot x is not responding.
  • Page 29: Ansi Performance Report

    UAS 7001 NIU 2-21 ANSI Performance Report When you select ANSI Performance Report, the screen displays the UAS 7001 Performance Report Submenu screen shown in Figure 2-13. This screen is only available when the FDL Mode option in the Unit Configuration screen is set to ANSI. If you try to access it when the option is set to None or TR-54016, the Performance Menu remains on-screen and displays a status message that identifies the problem.
  • Page 30: Tr-54106 Current & Total Errors

    2-22 UAS 7001 NIU When you’re done viewing the Performance Report Submenu, you may either return to the Performance Menu screen by pressing the Enter key – identified as CR (Carriage Return) in the screen prompt – or return to the Main Menu by typing 0 and pressing the Enter key. TR-54016 Current &...
  • Page 31 UAS 7001 NIU 2-23 TR-54016 Interval Table When you select TR-54016 Interval Table, the screen displays the UAS 7001 TR-54016 Interval Table Submenu screen shown in Figure 2-15. The screen displays four hours (16 15-minute intervals) of information on five error conditions that can occur in the unit: Errored Seconds (ES) Severely Errored Seconds (SES) Bursty Errored Seconds (BES)
  • Page 33: Introduction

    3 UAS 7002 NIU Introduction ..........................3-1 Main Menu ..........................3-1 Configuration .......................... 3-2 Unit Configuration ......................3-3 Alarm Configuration ......................3-6 System Configuration ..................... 3-10 Current Service State ....................... 3-12 Diagnostics ..........................3-13 Monitor/Alarms ........................3-15 Maintenance ........................... 3-17 Performance ..........................
  • Page 34: Main Menu

    UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Main Menu General DataComm Ind. Inc. Serial Number: 0052040625970004 Firmware Rev.: Shelf Slot [1] Configuration [2] Diagnostics [3] Monitor/Alarms [4] Maintenance [5] Performance [0] Return to Shelf Inventory Select: [ ] Figure 3-1 Main Menu...
  • Page 35: Unit Configuration

    UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Configuration [1] Unit Configuration [2] Alarm Configuration [3] System Configuration [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ] Figure 3-2 Configuration Menu Unit Configuration The UAS 7002 Unit Configuration screen shown in Figure 3-3 presents configuration options that determine operating parameters for the UAS 7002 NIU network interface.
  • Page 36 UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Unit Configuration Line Coding HDB3 Rcvr Range SHORT [1] Framing Mode PCS1 w/ CRC4 [2] Transmit Clock Source : SYSTEM [3] Fallback Clock Source : INTERNAL [4] Network Interface Type: NETWORK-SIDE [CR]Return to Previous Menu [S] Save [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ]...
  • Page 37 UAS 7002 NIU Table 3-1 UAS 7002 Unit Configuration Option Settings Option Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7002 Main Menu. PCS1 w/ CRC4 – (Default) [1] Framing Mode: PCS0 w/ CRC4 CCS w/ CRC4 PCS1 w/o CRC4 PCS0 w/o CRC4 CCS w/o CRC4...
  • Page 38: Alarm Configuration

    UAS 7002 NIU Continue the save process by typing Y and pressing the Enter key, or abort the save by typ- ing N and pressing the Enter key. If you continue the save, the word is displayed at the bottom of the screen. When SAVING it disappears the save is complete and the new settings are in effect.
  • Page 39 UAS 7002 NIU monitors performance alarm conditions both for itself (near-end) and for its remote (far-end). The unit evaluates declared alarm conditions, such as Loss of Signal, simply on the basis of whether or not the condition exists. If the alarm condition exists, the unit displays it as ACTIVE on the Alarm Monitor terminal interface screen and generates an SNMP trap to report it if it isn’t masked.
  • Page 40 UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Near-End Alarm Configuration Type Time Interval Count Threshold Errored Seconds : [1] Not Used [6] 10000 Severely Errored Seconds : [2] Not Used [7] 10000 Background Block Errors : [3] Not Used [8] 10000 Unavailable Seconds : [4] Not Used [9] 10000...
  • Page 41 UAS 7002 NIU Use the arrow keys to toggle the highlighted field through its two potential settings, Masked and Reported. When the field displays the desired setting, press the Enter key. The highlight returns to the Select field. The All Alarms Control field displays Mixed when changes result in a mixture of Masked and Reported settings.
  • Page 42: System Configuration

    3-10 UAS 7002 NIU System Configuration The UAS 7002 System Configuration Submenu screen shown in Figure 3-7 presents two configurable options and a display item. All three are involved in the way the UAS 7002 NIU interacts with the shelf backplane and the other devices in the shelf. Table 3-2, which follows the figure, lists the settings that can be displayed in each field.
  • Page 43 UAS 7002 NIU 3-11 Table 3-2 System Configuration Option Settings Option Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7002 Main Menu. [1] Shelf Timing Generator: None – the unit does not provide timing to the backplane under any circumstances;...
  • Page 44: Current Service State

    The Current Service States screen, which you access through the SCM Backplane Control menu, is the only SCM Backplane Control function that applies to the operation of a UAS 7000 system. You need to use this function after you install a unit or reset it to factory defaults, and when you change System Configuration.
  • Page 45: Diagnostics

    UAS 7002 NIU 3-13 Type 1 and press the Enter key. The SCM responds by displaying a message that it is polling the shelf, and then returns to the Current Service States screen. If the operation succeeded the new state is displayed for the unit.
  • Page 46 3-14 UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Diagnostics [1] Loopback Mode No Loopback [2] Test Time Limit : No Limit [S] Save parameters and thereby Start or Stop a test [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ] Figure 3-9 Diagnostics Screen Table 3-3 Diagnostic Option Settings...
  • Page 47: Monitor/Alarms

    UAS 7002 NIU 3-15 Use the arrow keys to toggle the highlighted field through its potential settings: No Loop- back, Line Loopback, and Payload Loopback. No Loopback is the inactive setting. When the field displays the desired setting, press the Enter key. The highlighting disap- pears and the field displays the new setting.
  • Page 48 3-16 UAS 7002 NIU UAS 7002 Monitor Alarm Status Declared Alarms Loss of Signal(LOS) INACTIVE Loss of Framing(LOF) INACTIVE Alarm Indication Signal INACTIVE Timing Loss INACTIVE Remote Alarm Indicator INACTIVE Performance Near-End Alarms Error Seconds INACTIVE Severe Error Seconds INACTIVE Unavailable Seconds INACTIVE Background Block Errors...
  • Page 49: Maintenance

    UAS 7002 NIU 3-17 Severely Errored Seconds – a Severely Errored Second contains more than 320 CRC errors or an OOF event; the alarm occurs when Severely Errored Seconds exceed configured interval and threshold limits. A near-end alarm is based on data being received at the local UAS 7002 NIU;...
  • Page 50: Performance

    3-18 UAS 7002 NIU The Maintenance screen includes three command selections: [1] Soft Reset – causes the UAS 7002 NIU to perform a reset and resume operation using its current configuration [2] Reset to Factory Defaults – causes all options in the UAS 7002 NIU to return to their factory default settings [3] Reset Statistics –...
  • Page 51 UAS 7002 NIU 3-19 Each display presents information concerning occurrences on the loop of four conditions: • Errored Seconds • Severely Errored Seconds • Unavailable Seconds • Background Block Errors The near-end displays also include Line Code Violations as a fifth category. To access a Performance display, type the selection number that corresponds to it and press the Enter key.
  • Page 52 3-20 UAS 7002 NIU Near-End Current Table Submenu Errored Seconds Severely Errored Seconds : Unavailable Seconds Background Block Errors Line Code Violations [CR] Return to Previous Menu [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ] Figure 3-13 Near-End Current Statistics Table Near-End Interval Table Submenu INTERVAL [CR] Return to Previous Menu...
  • Page 53 UAS 7002 NIU 3-21 Near-End Current 24 Hours Table Submenu Errored Seconds Severely Errored Seconds : Unavailable Seconds Background Block Errors Line Code Violations [CR] Return to Previous Menu [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ] Figure 3-15 Near-End Current 24 Hours Statistics Table Near-End Recent/Previous 24 Hours Table Submenu Errored Seconds Severely Errored Seconds :...
  • Page 55 4 UAS 7616 DIU Introduction ..........................4-1 Main Menu ..........................4-1 Configuration .......................... 4-2 Configuration Worksheets ....................4-3 Unit Configuration......................4-5 Alarm Configuration......................4-7 Circuit Configuration....................... 4-11 Current Service State ....................... 4-14 Diagnostics ..........................4-15 Monitor/Alarms ........................4-18 Maintenance ........................... 4-19 Performance ..........................
  • Page 56 UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Main Screen General DataComm Ind. Inc. Serial Number: 0081041111960001 Firmware Rev.: Shelf Slot [1] Configuration [2] Diagnostics [3] Monitor/Alarms [4] Maintenance [5] Performance [0] Return to Shelf Inventory Select: [ ] Figure 4-1 Main Menu...
  • Page 57: Configuration Worksheets

    UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Configuration Unit Configuration: Alarm Configuration: Circuit Configuration: [0] Return to Main Menu Select: [ ] Figure 4-2 Configuration Menu Configuration Worksheets When you configure a group of UAS 7616 DIUs to operate with an NIU, it is vital to coordinate their Highway and DS0 assignments, which you make in Circuit Configuration.
  • Page 58 Disable Figure 4-3 Example of a Completed Configuration Worksheet – UAS 7000 with 7001 NIU Fill in the Data Rate column with the values that are to be established in DIU Unit Config- uration. There are five possible combinations of Data Rate settings for the two channels that make up a loop: A: 128 kbps &...
  • Page 59: Unit Configuration

    UAS 7616 DIU Fill in the DS0 column with the timeslot assignments to be made in Circuit Configuration: A 64 kbps channel can be assigned to any available DS0; the only constraint is to make sure there are no duplications. When a Channel A is to operate at 128 kbps (Channel B disabled), you must config- ure both Channel A and Channel B DS0s for the loop because both carry the Channel A data.
  • Page 60 UAS 7616 DIU Table 4-1 Unit Configuration Option Settings Option Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7616 Main Menu. Disabled (Default) [1] Loop1 Channel A Data Rate: 128K Disabled (Default) [2] Loop1 Channel B Data Rate: Disabled (Default) [3] Loop2 Channel A Data...
  • Page 61: Alarm Configuration

    UAS 7616 DIU Continue the save process by typing Y and pressing the Enter key, or abort the save by typ- ing N and pressing the Enter key. If you continue the save, the word is displayed at the bottom of the screen. When SAVING it disappears the save is complete and the new settings are in effect.
  • Page 62 UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Alarm Configuration [1] Alarm Mask Loop1 [2] Alarm Mask Loop2 [3] Alarm Mask Loop3 [4] Alarm Thresholds [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 4-5 Alarm Configuration Screen Each Alarm Mask Configuration Submenu lists all the alarms that the 7616 can report on a loop.
  • Page 63 UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Loop1 MASK Alarms [1] Loss of Clk : Masked [2] Out of Sync : Masked [3] No Sealing Current : Masked [4] Error Seconds : Masked [5] Unavailable Seconds: Masked [6] Major BER : Masked [7] Minor BER : Masked [8] All Alarms Control : Masked...
  • Page 64 4-10 UAS 7616 DIU The alarm configuration procedure involves the following steps: From the Alarm Configuration Submenu screen, select 1, 2, or 3 and press the Enter key. In response the selected Alarm Masks Configuration Submenu screen is displayed. You may want to begin by using the [8] All Alarms Control command to set all alarms Reported or all alarms Masked, depending on how you intend to set the majority of the alarm options.
  • Page 65: Circuit Configuration

    UAS 7616 DIU 4-11 Repeat steps 10 – 11 for each BER alarm you are configuring to be Reported. After you’ve made all required changes and you are certain they are correct, type S and press the Enter key to save your configuration changes. Then press the Enter key a second time, to return to the Alarm Configuration screen.
  • Page 66 4-12 UAS 7616 DIU Loop1 Time Slot and Highway Submenu [1] Channel A Highway: Disabled [2] Channel B Highway: Disabled [3] Channel A DS0: [4] Channel B DS0: [0] Return to Main Menu [S] Save [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 4-9 Loop Time Slot and Highway Screen...
  • Page 67 One, Two, Three, Four, or Disable. If the channel is to be in use, its high- way assignment must match that of the NIU for the UAS 7000 system. When the field displays the desired setting, press the Enter key. The highlighting disap- pears and the field displays the new setting.
  • Page 68: Current Service State

    The Current Service States screen, which you access through the SCM Backplane Control menu, is the only SCM Backplane Control function that applies to the operation of a UAS 7000 system. You need to use this function after you install a unit or reset it to factory defaults.
  • Page 69: Diagnostics

    UAS 7616 DIU 4-15 Type 1 and press the Enter key. The SCM responds by displaying a message that it is polling the shelf, and then returns to the Current Service States screen. If the operation succeeded the new state is displayed for the unit.
  • Page 70 4-16 UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Diagnostics LOOP1 TESTS: [1] Digital Loop Channel A: Idle [2] Digital Loop Channel B: Idle [3] Self Test Channel A : Idle [4] Self Test Channel B : Idle LOOP2 TESTS: [5] Digital Loop Channel A: Idle [6] Digital Loop Channel B: Idle [7] Self Test Channel A : Idle...
  • Page 71 UAS 7616 DIU 4-17 Table 4-3 Diagnostic Option Settings Option Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7616 Main Menu. LOOPn TESTS (Three groups, one for each loop) Idle [x] Digital Loop Channel _: Active – commands digital loopback toward network Idle [x] Self Test Channel _: Active –...
  • Page 72: Monitor/Alarms

    4-18 UAS 7616 DIU Monitor/Alarms When you select Monitor/Alarms, the screen displays the UAS 7616 Alarm Monitor screen shown in Figure 4-13. The screen displays ACTIVE or INACTIVE for each alarm condition to indicate whether or not the condition currently exists. This screen displays alarms regardless of masking performed in Alarm Configuration.
  • Page 73: Maintenance

    The terminal interface Maintenance screen displays information about the unit and provides specialized control functions: Soft Reset, Reset to Factory Defaults, Reset Statistics, and individual BER alarm resets for each loop. Figure 4-14 illustrates the Maintenance screen. UAS 7616 Maintenance General Datacomm. UAS 7616 Firmware Revision: Serial Number:...
  • Page 74: Performance

    4-20 UAS 7616 DIU To Reset Statistics, just type 3 and press the Enter key. The message " " Resetting Statistics appears briefly at the bottom of the screen. To Reset BER alarms for a loop, just type the appropriate selection number and press the Enter key.
  • Page 75 UAS 7616 DIU 4-21 To access a Statistics display, type the selection number that corresponds to it and press the Enter key. UAS 7616 STATISTICS [1] Loop1 Current Stats [2] Loop1 Interval Stats [3] Loop1 Current 24 hours Stats [4] Loop1 Recent/Previous 24 hours Stats [5] Loop2 Current Stats [6] Loop2 Interval Stats [7] Loop2 Current 24 hours Stats...
  • Page 76 4-22 UAS 7616 DIU UAS 7616 Loop1 Interval Statistics FEBES [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous menu Select: [ ] Figure 4-17 UAS 7616 Interval Statistics Screen UAS 7616 Current 24 Hour Statistics Error Seconds Severe Error Seconds Unavailable Seconds 4664 Far End Block Errors...
  • Page 77 UAS 7616 DIU 4-23 UAS 7616 Recent/Previous 24 Hour Statistics Error Seconds Severe Error Seconds Unavailable Seconds Far End Block Errors [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous menu Select: [ ] Figure 4-19 UAS 7616 Recent/Previous 24 Hour Statistics Screen GDC 087R706-000-02...
  • Page 78 4-24 UAS 7616 DIU Table 4-4 Configuration Worksheet – UAS 7000 with 7001 NIU Slot Device Highway Data Rate UAS 7001 NIU (T1; DS0s 1 – 24) UAS 7616 DIU – Loop 1 – Channel A Loop 1 – Channel B Loop 2 –...
  • Page 79 UAS 7616 DIU 4-25 Table 4-5 Configuration Worksheet – UAS 7000 with 7002 NIU Slot Device Highway Data Rate UAS 7002 NIU (E1; DS0s 2 – 16, 18 – 32) UAS 7616 DIU – Loop 1 – Channel A Loop 1 – Channel B Loop 2 –...
  • Page 81: Introduction

    5 UAS 7626 DIU Introduction ..........................5-1 Main Menu ..........................5-1 Configuration .......................... 5-2 Configuration Worksheets ....................5-3 Unit Configuration......................5-5 Alarm Configuration......................5-7 Current Service State ....................... 5-14 Diagnostics ..........................5-15 Alarm Monitor........................5-18 Performance Statistics ......................5-20 Maintenance ........................... 5-19 Introduction This chapter of the manual describes the terminal interface screens for the UAS 7626 Drop-side Interface Unit and the procedures for working with them.
  • Page 82: Configuration

    UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Main Screen General DataComm Ind. Inc. Serial Number: 0089090708980001 Firmware Rev.: Shelf Slot [1] Configuration [2] Diagnostics [3] Alarm Monitor [4] Performance Statistics [5] Maintenance [0] Return to Shelf Inventory Select: [ ] Figure 5-1...
  • Page 83: Configuration Worksheets

    UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Configuration [1] Configuration [2] Alarm Configuration [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 5-2 Configuration Menu Configuration Worksheets When you configure a shelf of UAS 7626 DIUs to operate with one or more NIUs, it is vital to coordinate the Highway and DS0 assignments, which you make in Circuit Configuration.
  • Page 84: Unit Configuration

    64 kbps Figure 5-3 Example of Configuration Worksheet Entries – UAS 7000 with 7001 NIU At the top of the table, fill in the NIU slot number and the highway to which it is assigned. Each row in the body of the table represents one DS0/timeslot supported by that NIU and highway.
  • Page 85 UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Configuration Unit: Network: Drop Side Module Clk Src: System Interface: Termination Type: Line Tx Clk Src: System Data Rate Highway Timeslot [1] Loop 1 128K [2] Loop 2 [3] Loop 3 Disabled Disabled [4] Loop 4 Disabled Disabled [5] Loop 5...
  • Page 86 UAS 7626 DIU Table 5-1 Unit Configuration Option Settings Option Function/Potential Settings [0] Return to Main Menu Returns you to the UAS 7626 Main Menu. Data Rate Highway Timeslot Loops: Disabled (Default) 1 – 31 NA (Not Assigned) [1] Loop 1 128K Three Selects which timeslot...
  • Page 87: Alarm Configuration

    UAS 7626 DIU it disappears the save is complete and the new settings are in effect. When you’re done with Unit Configuration, you may either return to the Configuration Menu screen by pressing the Enter key – identified as CR (Carriage Return) in the screen prompt –...
  • Page 88 UAS 7626 DIU Each Alarm Configuration Submenu lists all the alarms that the 7626 can report on a loop. Consult the description of the Monitor/Alarms screen, which begins on page 5-13, for definitions of the alarm conditions. The unit evaluates most alarm conditions simply on the basis of whether or not the condition exists.
  • Page 89: Current Service State

    The Current Service States screen, which you access through the SCM Backplane Control menu, is the only SCM Backplane Control function that applies to the operation of a UAS 7000 system. You need to use this function after you install a unit or reset it to factory defaults.
  • Page 90 5-10 UAS 7626 DIU Select the SCM by typing its slot number and pressing the Enter key. The SCM responds by displaying the Main SCM Menu. Type 8 and press the Enter key to select Backplane Control. The SCM responds by displaying the Backplane Control menu. Type 3 and press the Enter key to select Service States.
  • Page 91: Diagnostics

    UAS 7626 DIU 5-11 Diagnostics Selecting Diagnostics from the UAS 7626 main menu calls up a submenu, shown in Figure 5-11, for selecting the loop on which you intend to perform tests. The terminal interface provides a separate Diagnostics screen for each of the six loops supported by the UAS 7626 DIU. The Diagnostics screen is shown in Figure 5-12.
  • Page 92 5-12 UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Diagnostics - Loop 1 [1] Digital Loop: Idle [2] Remote Digital Loop: Idle [3] Self Test: Idle Self Test Results: [0] Return to Main Menu [S] Save [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 5-12 UAS 7626 Diagnostics Screen Table 5-2...
  • Page 93: Alarm Monitor

    UAS 7626 DIU 5-13 Use the arrow keys to toggle the highlighted field from Idle to Active. When the field displays Active, press the Enter key. The highlighting disappears and the field displays the new setting. To start the test, type S (Save) and press the Enter key. In response, the screen prompts for confirmation: *WARNING - SAVING DISRUPTS COMMUNICATIONS Continue? [ ] Y(es), N(o) To perform the test type Y and press the Enter key;...
  • Page 94 5-14 UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Alarm Monitor [1] Loop 1 Alarm Status: ALARM [2] Loop 2 Alarm Status: ALARM [3] Loop 3 Alarm Status: ALARM [4] Loop 4 Alarm Status: ALARM [5] Loop 5 Alarm Status: ALARM [6] Loop 6 Alarm Status: ALARM [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Screen Update...
  • Page 95 UAS 7626 DIU 5-15 UAS 7626 Alarm Status - Loop Loss of Clock: INACTIVE OOS: INACTIVE No Sealing Current: INACTIVE Error Seconds: INACTIVE Unavailable Seconds: ACTIVE Major BER: INACTIVE Minor BER: INACTIVE [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 5-13 Alarm Status Screen...
  • Page 96: Performance Statistics

    5-16 UAS 7626 DIU Performance Statistics The Performance menu screen shown in Figure 5-15 appears when you type 4 to invoke the Performance Statistics function from the Main Menu. From this selection menu you reach a menu of the four displays statistics displays the unit supports for each loop. The displays differ in the period of time that they cover: •...
  • Page 97 UAS 7626 DIU 5-17 UAS 7626 Statistics - Loop 1 [1] Current Stats [2] Interval Stats [3] Current 24 hours Stats [4] Recent/Previous 24 hours Stats [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ Figure 5-16 Statistics Submenu UAS 7626 Current Statistics - Loop 1 Error Seconds...
  • Page 98 5-18 UAS 7626 DIU UAS 7626 Interval Statistics - Loop 1 FEBES [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ Figure 5-18 UAS 7626 Interval Statistics Screen UAS 7626 Current 24 Hour Statistics - Loop 1 Error Seconds Severe Error Seconds Unavailable Seconds...
  • Page 99 UAS 7626 DIU 5-19 UAS 7626 Recent/Previous 24 Hour Statistics - Loop 1 Error Seconds Severe Error Seconds Unavailable Seconds Far End Block Errors [0] Return to Main Menu [CR] Return to previous Menu Select: [ ] Figure 5-20 UAS 7626 Recent/Previous 24 Hour Statistics Screen GDC 087R706-000-02...
  • Page 100: Maintenance

    5-20 UAS 7626 DIU Maintenance The terminal interface Maintenance screen displays information about the unit and provides specialized control functions: Soft Reset, Reset to Factory Defaults, Reset Statistics, and individual BER alarm resets for each loop. It also provide access to the Firmware Download function.
  • Page 101 UAS 7626 DIU 5-21 When you are done with the Maintenance screen after resetting statistics, resetting BER alarms or simply viewing the screen, type 0 and press the Enter key to return to the Main Menu. To perform a Soft Reset or a Reset to Factory Defaults: Type the selection number of the reset you need to perform, 1 for Soft Reset or 2 for Reset to Factory Defaults, and press the Enter key.
  • Page 102 5-22 UAS 7626 DIU UAS7626 Firmware Download Download Status: Active Firmware Revision : -e.-e.-e Standby Firmware Revision: vD.-t. Standby Firmware Status : VALID - OK Download Mode : DISABLE ALL DOWNLOADS Select Download Options: [1] Switch to Standby Firmware [2] Disable All Downloads [3] Enable Downloads and Store ZIP [4] Enable Downloads, UNZIP and Execute [0] Return to Main Menu...
  • Page 103 UAS 7626 DIU 5-23 The four command selections are [1] Switch to Standby Firmware – commands the DIU to unzip (decompress) the stored, inactive firmware and place it into service as the current operating firmware; at the same time the DIU zips and stores the firmware that it had been operating with [2] Disable All Downloads –...
  • Page 104 5-24 UAS 7626 DIU Firmware Filename Format: Address and Product Code Format, Single Unit: VMMmmbbv.ppp SSLLDD00.83 3-digit product code – 089 for UAS 7626 5-character product code – 00.89 for UAS 7626 2-digit code correction level 2-digit Drop # 2-digit minor revision level 2-digit Line # 2-digit major revision level 2-digit Slot # in hex - 01 –...
  • Page 105 UAS 7626 DIU 5-25 Table 5-3 Configuration Worksheet – UAS 7000 with 7001 NIU UAS 7001 - Slot ___ - Highway ___ UAS 7001 - Slot ___ - Highway ___ UAS 7626 DIU Loop Assignments UAS 7626 DIU Loop Assignments...
  • Page 106 Table 5-4 Configuration Worksheet – UAS 7000 with 7002 NIU UAS 7002 - Slot ___ - Highway ___ UAS 7002 - Slot ___ - Highway ___ UAS 7626 DIU Loop Assignments UAS 7626 DIU Loop Assignments DIU Slot Loop Data Rate...

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