General DataComm 551 Operating And Installation Instructions page 135

Intelligent channel service unit
Table of Contents


Installation, 2-1
DataComm Enclosure, 2-3
DataComm FourPak Enclosure, 2-3
DataComm Modem Shelf, 2-3
GDC TriPak Enclosure, 2-3
procedures, 2-1
Universal System Shelf, 2-5
Line Build-Out, 1-1, 2-14, 2-15, 3-35, 4-5, 4-10, 4-11
display, 3-27
option selection, 2-7, 2-13
Line Code option selection, 2-6, 3-33
Local Option Override option selection, 2-7
Log-on screen, 3-8
Loopbacks screen, 3-25
Main Menu, 3-9
Maintenance screen, 3-36
Master/slave CSU, 2-5, 2-9, 2-14, 3-7, 3-24, 3-26
application, 1-2
option selection, 2-7
privilege mode display, 3-30
Maximum Zeros, see Consecutive Zeros
Memory status display, 3-8
Multiple Access Unit-1A (MAU-1A), 1-6, 2-9
option selection, 2-6, 2-7, 2-14
Network interface connection, 2-15
Network performance error description, 3-12
One Hour Report screen, 3-17
Ones Density, 3-17
option selection, 2-7, 3-31, 3-33, 3-34
switch location, 2-5
selection, 2-5
Out-of-band communications, Supervisory terminal, 2-
9, 2-26, 3-7, 3-24, 3-26, 3-28, 4-19
Payload Loopback, 1-2, 3-22, 4-6
Performance Report Messages, 1-1, 1-2, 2-7, 3-22, 3-32
PMC-100 Performance Monitor Card, 1-1, 1-6, 2-5, 2-6, 2-
7, 2-9, 2-14, 2-23, 2-26, 3-1, 3-6, 3-7, 3-14
Pre-equalization option selection, 2-7, 3-35
Preoperational check, 2-1
Primary power connection, 2-26
Receive Level screen, 3-27
Reset CSU function, 3-37
Scheduled Performance Report screen, 3-21
Span power source, 1-2
electrical connection, 2-21
option selection, 2-8
Status line, 3-10
Summary of tests, 4-1, 4-25
Supervisory terminal, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-5, 2-5
accessing a CSU, 3-1
Alarm Counts screen, 3-14
basic operation, 3-1
character format selection, 2-7
CSU Configuration screen, 3-30
data rate selection, 2-7
dial-up modem application, 1-6, 2-9, 2-23, 2-24, 3-1, 3-6
direct communication application, 2-23
display information, 3-9
DS0 Diagnostics Screen, 3-28
DS1 Diagnostics Menu, 3-12
DS1 Self Test screen, 3-21
electrical connection, 2-23
interface characteristics, 2-23
keyboard usage, 3-10
log-on screen, 3-8
Loopbacks screen, 3-25
Main Menu, 3-9
Maintenance screen, 3-36
master/slave CSU application, 1-2
master/slave CSU option, 2-5, 2-14, 3-7
master/slave CSU option selection, 2-7
master/slave CSU privilege mode display, 3-30
menu organization, 3-1
One Hour Report screen, 3-17
operating procedures, 3-1
Receive Level screen, 3-27
Scheduled Performance Report screen, 3-21
status line, 3-10
Twenty-Four Hour Report screen, 3-19
Switches, front panel, 3-1, 3-10
inhibit switches option, 2-7
TABS Maintenance Messages, 1-1, 1-2, 2-8, 3-32
Technical assistance procedure, 4-27
Technical characteristics, A-1
Test jacks, front panel, 3-1
Tests, see specific tests
display, 3-8, 3-10
set, 3-36
Training, 4-28
Transcoding option selection, 1-6, 2-6, 3-33
Twenty-Four Hour Report screen, 3-19
Unframed Mode, 1-6, 3-1, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-17,
3-19, 3-21, 3-23, 3-24, 3-28, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34, 3-35, 4-2, 4-
option selection, 2-6, 3-33, 3-34
Universal System Shelf, 1-2
equipment connection, 2-15
installation, 2-5
network interface connection, 2-21
primary power connection, 2-27
span power source connection, 1-2, 2-8, 2-21
Supervisory terminal connection, 2-24
Unpacking and handling, 2-1
Update to Default function, 3-35


Table of Contents

Table of Contents