使用说明及安全规程 Operating Instruction And Safety Regulations; 使用说明 Operating Instruction; 注意事项 Cautions - FujiFilm FJ-5120LV Operating Instruction

Stack-based battery
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5 使用说明及安全规程 Operating Instruction and Safety Regulations
5.1 使用说明 Operating Instruction
1 使用电池前,请仔细阅读规格书。
Before using the batteries, carefully read the service manual and the specification of the batteries.
2 请在正常的环境中使用电池,充电温度 0℃~45℃,放电温度-20℃~55℃,相对温度:60±20%。
Please use the batteries in a normal environment, charge temperature is 0℃~45℃, discharge temperature -20℃~60℃
and the relative humidity is 65%±20%.
3 在使用过程中,电池应远离热源、高压,避免儿童玩弄电池,切勿摔打电池。
During their use, the batteries should be kept away from heat sources and high voltages, children should not be allowed
to play with them, and they should not be knocked violently.
4 本电池只能使用配套充电器充电,不要将电池放在充电器超过 24 小时。
The batteries should only be charged with a matching charger. Remember not to place the batteries in the charger for
over 24 hours.
5 切勿将电池正负极短路,切勿自己拆装电池,也勿让电池放在受潮处,以免发生危险。
In no circumstance should the positive and negative poles of the battery be short circuited. Do not disassemble or
assemble the batteries yourself and do not place the batteries in a damp place in order to avoid danger.
6 长期不用时,请将电池储存完好,让电池处于半荷电状态。请用不导电材料包裹电池,以避免金属直接接
When the batteries are not to be used for a long time, please store them safely so that they will stay in a half-charged
state. Please wrap the batteries with non-conductive materials in order that metallic materials will not contact the
batteries directly, which may result in damage to the batteries. Keep the batteries in a cool and dry place.
7 废弃电池请安全妥当处理,不要投入火中或水中。
Please dispose of the used batteries properly. Do not throw them in fire or water.
8 如果将电池用于其他设备,请与供应商咨询,不得擅自将本电池包用于其他系统。
If the battery is to be used in other devices, please consult with the supplier about the degree of perfection of its
protective function, Do not make arbitrary decisions to use battery in other devices.
5.2 注意事项 Cautions
1 充电温度范围 Temperature range during charging
推荐的充电温度范围是 0-45℃。在超出此范围的环境中充电会造成电池性能下降、减少寿命。
The recommended temperature range for battery charging is between 0℃ and 45℃. Charging of the batteries out of
that temperature range will cause the performance of the batteries to decrease and their life to shorten.
2 电池使用前,请仔细阅读使用说明书
Before using the batteries, carefully read the service manual and reread it often when needed.
3 充电方式 Mode of charging
Please use the dedicated charger and the recommended mode of charging in the recommended environment during the
charging of the batteries.
4 儿童使用 The use of the batteries by children
Before a child use the batteries, its use of the batteries should be under the guidance of the parents and the use of the
batteries should be monitored all the time.
5 咨询 Consultation
When purchasing the batteries, be careful to remember the way to stay in contact with the seller so that you can contact
the seller and have consultation with it when needed.
6 保用期 Warranty period
The manufacturer will not replace the battery free of charge even in the warranty period if the problem with the battery
版本 Version:V1.0
第 11 页 共 13 页


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