LG S1T1 User Manual page 25

Table of Contents


. Using network
3. Using a function of Windows file share
Open the search engine of Windows, and enter '\\IPaddress' in the address window.
You can access to the server after logging in. Please refer to 4-1. Using Network Storage
[Using NAS Detector] if you do not know IP address.
Set-up as a network drive after Tip server connection.
※ If you set up as a network drive, you can connect to LG Network Storage more conveniently
next time.
Connecting in Windows OS
Click the right button and then
click 'Map network drive' .
After assigning drive letter and
connection folder on the 'Map
Nework Drive' window, click on
'Finish' .
After creating the drive in my
computer, it can be simultane-
ously used with the hard disk.
Logging in by entering
an user ID, 'admin' , and a
password, 'admin' .


Table of Contents

Table of Contents