Typical Connection; Sequence Chart Of Control Signals; Protection Functions; Over-Current Protection - Leadshine Technology DM856 User Manual

Fully digital stepping driver
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connector P2 with power on will cause extremely high back-EMF voltage surge, which may
damage the driver.

9. Typical Connection

A complete stepping system should include stepping motor, stepping driver, power supply and
controller (pulse generator). A typical connection is shown as figure 9.
Figure 9: Typical connection

10. Sequence Chart of Control Signals

In order to avoid some fault operations and deviations, PUL, DIR and ENA should abide by some
rules, shown as following diagram:
Figure 10: Sequence chart of control signals
Tel: +086 0755-26434369
DM856 Digital Stepping Driver Manual V1.0
Web Site: www.leadshine.com
t1: ENA must be ahead of DIR by at least 5µs. Usually, ENA+ and ENA- are NC (not
connected). See "Connector P1 Configurations" for more information.
t2: DIR must be ahead of PUL active edge by 5µs to ensure correct direction;
t3: Pulse width not less than 2.5µs;
t4: Low level width not less than 2.5µs.

11. Protection Functions

To improve reliability, the driver incorporates some built-in protection functions. The DM856 uses
one RED LED to indicate what protection has been activated. The periodic time of RED is 3 s
(seconds), and how many times the RED turns on indicates what protection has been activated.
Because only one protection can be displayed by RED LED, so the driver will decide what error to
display according to their priorities. See the following Protection Indications table for displaying

Over-current Protection

Over-current protection will be activated when continuous current exceeds 16A or in case of short
circuit between motor coils or between motor coil and ground, and RED LED will turn on once
within each periodic time (3 s).

Over-voltage Protection

When power supply voltage exceeds 91±1 VDC, protection will be activated and RED LED will
turn on twice within each periodic time (3 s).

Phase Error Protection

Motor power lines wrong & not connected will activate this protection. RED LED will turn on four
times within each periodic time (3 s).
When above protections are active, the motor shaft will be free or the LED will turn red.
Reset the driver by repowering it to make it function properly after removing above problems. Since
there is no protection against power leads (﹢,﹣) reversal, it is critical to make sure that power
supply leads correctly connected to driver. Otherwise, the driver will be damaged instantly.
Tel: +086 0755-26434369
DM856 Digital Stepping Driver Manual V1.0
Web Site: www.leadshine.com


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