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Trigger Adjustments - BT TM-7 Owner's Manual


Ramping Point will be indicated by a flashing GREEN LED.
The default ramping point is 4 (4.5 BPS). Ramping Point is adjustable from
(4 to 9.5 BPS). Please see chart for corresponding flashes and BPS settings.
Burst Shots will be indicated by a flashing ORANGE LED.
Ramping Point
Flashes/PTR (Pulls to Ramp)
3 Flash = 4 BPS
4 Flash = 4.5 BPS
5 Flash = 5.5 BPS
6 Flash = 6.5 BPS
7 Flash = 7.5 BPS
8 Flash = 8.5 BPS
9 Flash = 9.5 BPS
The Burst shot value is defaulted to 3 and is adjustable from (3-9).
Programming Example: If you are in the Default Recreational Firing mode
and want to go to Semi-Auto/NPPL. Push and hold the Power Button, cycle
the Selector Switch, then release the Power Button and the LED will be RED.
Move the Selector Switch to position (2) and pull the trigger 4 times and then
move the Selector switch back to position (0) and pull the trigger once. The
LED will now flash 1 time, to show that the Firing mode has been changed
to Semi-Auto/NPPL.
Factory Board Reset
To reset all the Functions to the defaults, turn OFF your TM-7, then press
and hold the Tournament Lock button in for 5 seconds. The LED will blink
AMBER to confirm the reset.

12. Trigger Adjustments

The TM-7 features a Hall Effect Sensor Trigger. There is no trigger switch
to worry about, clog with paint, or break. The TM-7 trigger can be adjust-
ed by the four set screws in the trigger.
When a trigger pull is recognized, the LED will quickly flash a dim Red for
each trigger pull. If no trigger pull is recognized, the LED flashes normal-
ly based on the status of the eyes and battery power level.
Before making any trigger adjustments, De-Gas the TM-7, make sure the
gauge reads 0 psi, then switch On the TM-7 with eyes turned OFF to easily
monitor the current activation point.
You will notice four (4) set screws in your
trigger. These can be adjusted with a
1/16" Allen key. Make small adjust-
ments and check that the trigger is acti-
vating the solenoid.
• The (1) First set screw adjusts the trig-
ger activation point. For best results,
the activation point should be set right in the middle of the total trigger
movement from front to back.
• The (2) Second set screw adjusts forward movement, and stop point.
• The (3) Third set adjusts the trigger return spring tension.
• The (4) Fourth set screw adjusts the rear movement range, and stop point.
• If any of the set screws are over adjusted in any direction the TM-7 may
not fire.
• If the trigger travel is adjusted too short, the TM-7 may fire on its own,
repeatedly and/or uncontrollably.
B T P A I N T B A L L . C O M
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