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DCU Tecnologic Sport User Manual page 23


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5.5 Chronometer:
5.5 Chronometer:
From the stopwatch interface, press the START
From the stopwatch interface, press the START
button to start. During the account you can pause
button to start. During the account you can pause
or start over by clicking the RESET button.
or start over by clicking the RESET button.
5.6 CountDown:
5.6 CountDown:
Using the +/- buttons to indicate the time and then
Using the +/- buttons to indicate the time and then
click the Start button to start the timer. Click Pause
click the Start button to start the timer. Click Pause
to pause or reset to restart
to pause or reset to restart
5.7 Information / Messages:
5.7 Information / Messages:
Access to this interface to view the latest
Access to this interface to view the latest
notifications received. For this function to work
notifications received. For this function to work
correctly you must configure it from the mobile APP
correctly you must configure it from the mobile APP
or from the "configuration" interface of the watch.
or from the "configuration" interface of the watch.
5.8 Cycle control (Female):
5.8 Cycle control (Female):
From this interface you can see what day of the
From this interface you can see what day of the
cycle you are. Configure it from the mobile APP
cycle you are. Configure it from the mobile APP



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