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Product Setup - Loma Superscan Micro Operator's Manual


Step Six
Once you have finished adjusting the sensitivity, press the [ENTER] key again to save the new
threshold and allow movement around the rest of the menu map. The display should now show:
T* 750
In order to get the most out of the detector it is necessary to make sure that it is correctly setup for
your product, or number of products. This includes such things as setting up the reject timing and
making sure that the detector is correctly calibrated for the product which is passing through it. Please
read through the remainder of this section and follow the examples so that you can set the detector up
correctly for all your products.
Moving around the map and making adjustments
Page 3 of this section shows a menu map around which the display can be moved in order to gain
access to various parameters for adjustment. Superscan Micro ISC has four main menus, Change,
Setup, Calibrate and Results, all of which contain parameters for viewing or adjustment, commands or
further sub-menus.
If you study the menu map you will see that there are six items in the Setup menu: Product Setup,
Disable Reject, Passwords, Calendar, Machine Details and Service. Apart from Disable Reject, these
are all sub-menus, ie. you can go into them to gain access to the items within them. The Disable
Reject is in fact a command, and as such is denoted with the " " character.
Within the Setup menu there are no items of data, but if the Product Setup sub-menu is moved into
from the Setup menu then various parameters can be accessed. All parameters are denoted with the
" " character.
Moving around the menu map and adjusting parameters within it is very simple. To gain access to one
of the four main menus, simply press the key associated with it, eg. press the [SETUP] key to move
into the Setup menu. Once in one of the four main menus the LED on the associated key will
illuminate. For instance, if you press the Setup key you will move into the Setup menu where the first
entry, Product Setup, will be displayed and the LED on the Setup key will come on. Try doing this
now. The display will show


To move up or down the items within a menu the [ ] and [ ] keys are used. With the display
showing "PRODUCT SETUP" keep pressing the [ ] key, and observe how the other items within the
Setup menu are shown on the display. Once at the bottom of the menu, the [ ] key can be used to
move back up the menu.
To move into a sub-menu simply press the [ENTER] key when that sub-menu is shown on the
display. For instance, suppose you want to move into the Machine Details sub-menu, firstly make sure
that you are in the Setup menu (check that the LED is on against the SETUP key, and if not press the
key), and secondly use the [ ] or [ ] keys so that the display shows:
Module 7005
Operator's Guide

