Setting-For-Flight The Lightband - PSC 2000781J MkII MLB Operating Procedure

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9. Setting-for-Flight the Lightband

Oscilloscope shall record voltage and current per the following requirements:
1. Sample rate: 1,000 Hz minimum
2. Voltage resolution: 0.2 V maximum
3. Current Resolution: 0.02 A maximum
Set up the 'Power and Measurement Circuit' portion of the Set-for-Flight Test
Circuit per Figure 9-1.
Caution: If oscilloscope channels share common ground be cognizant of their
effect on the circuit. Also, do not connect the negative voltage probe to ground
as this will bypass the Lightband's limit switches and allow it to deploy.
May skip this step if no components/wiring were added since stowing.
Verify the resistance between the PS and Lightband connector is less than 1.0
Ω for each motor. This applies to the complete loop (power and return). Two
methods are listed below.
a) Bypass the PS and measure resistance with a DMM from pins 1 to 9 (the
relay will need to be activated). Then repeat from pins 5 to 9.
b) Set the PS to 1 V and short pin 1 to pin 9. Apply power (by activating
relay) and view current draw. R= V/I. Then repeat, shorting pin 5 to pin 9.
Set up the 'Test Circuit' portion of the Set-for-Flight test circuit per Figure 9-1
and connect to the 'Power and Measurement Circuit'.
PSC Proprietary
Figure 9-1: Set-for-Flight test circuit
2000781J MkII MLB Operating Procedure
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