Installation Instructions; Heating Capacity - Installation Guide; Installation Notes & Guide - Olsberg PENMAN PULAR Installation Instructions Manual

Cylindrical stove
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2.1 - Heating Capacity - Installation Guide

This appliance must be installed by a competent person and the installation must comply with bs8303 –
code of practice for installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuel,
national building regulations, local by-laws and standards and the requirements of the health and safety at
work act - in particular:
Adequate facilities must be available for loading, unloading and site handling.
Fire cement:
Some types are caustic and should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin. In case of contact
wash immediately with plenty of water.
These stoves contain no asbestos. If there is a possibility of disturbing any asbestos in the course of
installation then please seek the guidance of a specialist and use appropriate protective equipment.
Metal parts:
When installing or servicing this stove care should be taken to avoid the possibility of personal injury
2.2 - Installation Notes & Guide
Attention should be paid to the following during and before the installation:
In the first step, the location and the way of connection of the purchased appliance has to be chosen with
consideration of the safety instructions.
The chimney must be suitable for operating your stove.
Installation and usage of stoves must be reported to a competent chimney sweep or another competent
expert. Applying the local regulations a chimney sweep/expert has to issue a written authorization to use
the stove. Ensure to get a receipt of this to certify.
Examination of the chimney happens according to the local rules which are usually national or European
The local rules should be taken into consideration during the installation of the connecting pipe as well.
These are usually national or European standards. Necessary air supply for sufficient burning has to be
ensured. In hermetically insulated rooms a separate air inlet pipe is needed to guarantee a sufficient supply
of air for the operation of the stove. It is also necessary in the case of rooms with forced aeration systems
(e/g extractor fan).
If it is possible a solution must be found for turning off these appliances. Some Olsberg stoves have an
optional connection for an external air inlet.
Use of Olsberg stoves in building with hermetic insulation and mechanical airing systems is only allowed
under certain conditions. Authorization of the stove as "independent of the air in the room" and insulated
air inlet from outside are among these conditions. It is important to consult a competent chimney sweep or
expert regarding this matter.
Choose a location for the stove close to the chimney to prevent the use of a long horizontal connecting pipe.
The location of installation has to be flat and level. Make sure that the floor has the necessary load-bearing
capacity. The weight of the appliance can be found on the technical data sheet. In case the load bearing
capacity of the floor is too low, usage of a plate for better load distribution might help. If the problem exists
you should seek professional help.


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