10- Troubleshooting - LaserPoint PcPlug-R Operating Manual

Laser power & energy meter
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The PcPlug-R Electronics is a delicate and must be protected from dust, oil fumes and water or high humidity.
● Do not remove the PcPlug-R Electronics cover.
● Do not use sprays, liquids or solvents to avoid damages to the instrument.
● Immediately contact LaserPoint if a malfunction occurs: the instrument does not contain any circuitry
and/or components that can be repaired by the user himself.
A short troubleshooting guide is reported below:
Encountered Problem
The communication with the PcPlug-R
doesn't work
Power or Energy reading is negative
The measurements are different from
previous / expected values
The unit responds when head is still at a
low temperature, but the output signal
suddenly goes to zero as the head heats
When measuring power, the reading
does not return to zero
If the encountered issues cannot be resolved using the above hints, please contact LaserPoint.
LaserPoint srl – PcPlug-R Laser Power and Energy Meter - All Rights Reserved
- Verify that the PcPlug-R is correctly installed
- Check the COM port using Device Manager
- Verify that the green LED is on; if not, check the power supply
and the power connector.
- Select Power Mode, make sure that the sensor housing is not hit
by any laser/thermal radiation and perform an instrument ZERO
- Verify that the laser beam is centered on the sensor
- Verify if the sensor coating shows signs of discoloration or
damages: contact LaserPoint.
-The head sensor disc must be replaced. Contact LaserPoint
- Check if the cooling conditions are correct for the head
- Allow the head to cool if it is still hot (it may take a few
- It may be necessary to perform an instrument ZERO (make sure
that the sensor housing is not hit by any laser/thermal radiation
and perform an instrument ZERO)
Possible Causes
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