Pravilna Uporaba - Scheppach HA 1800 Translation From The Original Instruction Manual

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m Use only as authorized
The machine meets valid EC machine guidelines.
• The machine has been built in accordance with state­
of-the-art standards and the recognized safety rules.
Nevertheless, its use may constitue a risk to life and
limb of the user or of third parties,or cause damage to
the machine and to othermaterial property.
• The machine must only be used in technically perfect
condition in accordance with its designated use and the
instructions set out in the operating manual, and only
by safety-conscious persons who are fully aware of the
risks involved in operating the machine. Any functional
disorders, especially those affecting the safety of the
machine, should therefore be rectified immediately.
The vacuum exhaust unit is designed only for removing
saw dust (nor for normal dust).
• Regularly inspect the filter for damage.
• Replace damaged filters!
• Regularly check that the housing is well sealed and
regularly inspect the filter and saw dust sackseals.
• Do not allow foreign objects such as screws, nails, plas-
tic or wood chips to enter the cleaning nozzle.
• The machine must only be used with original parts and
orginal accessories supplies by the manufacturer.
• The Exhaust System ha 1800 is constructed exclusively
for exhaust-vacuuming wood chips and saw dust and
may only be used in connection with wood processing
• When vacuuming shop floors, wood or metal pieces may
not be vacuumed.
• Any other use exceeds authorization. The manufacturer
is not responsible for any damagesresulting from unau-
thorized use; risk is the sole responsibility of the opera-
• The safety, work and maintenance instructions of the
manufacturer as well as the technical data given in the
calibrations and dimensions must be adhered to.
• Relevant accident prevention regulations and other,
generally recognized safety-technical rules must also
be adhered to.
• The machine may only be used, maintained, and op-
erated by persons familiar with and instructed in its
operating and procedures. Arbitrary alterations to the
machine release the manufacturer from all responsibiliy
for any resulting damages.
The machine may only be used with original accessories
made by the manufacturer.
m Pravilna uporaba
Stroj je v skladu z veljavno Direktivo ES za stroje.
• Stroj je izdelan v skladu s stanjem tehnologije in pri-
znanimi varnostnotehničnimi pravili. Kljub temu se lah-
ko ob uporabi stroja pojavijo okoliščine, ko je ogroženo
telo ali življenje uporabnika ali tretjih oseb oz. se lahko
poškoduje stroj ali druga lastnina.
• Stroj uporabljajte le v tehnično brezhibnem stanju, v
skladu z določili in ob upoštevanju nevarnosti, zaščite
in navodil za uporabo! Takoj odpravite (dajte odpraviti)
zlasti motnje, ki lahko zmanjšajo varnost!
• Sesalna naprava je namenjena le sesanju lesnih
ostružkov (ne prahu).
• Sesanje lesnega prahu in ostružkov na komercialnem
področju ni dovoljeno.
• Redno preverjajte, ali je filter poškodovan. Poškodo-
van filter zamenjajte! Redno preverjajte tesnjenje ohiš-
ja in tesnila za filter in zbiralno vrečo
• Pri uporabi čistilnih šob ne sesajte trdnih delcev, kot so
vijaki, žeblji, koščki plastike ali lesa.
• Stroj smete uporabljati le z originalnimi deli in original-
no opremo izdelovalca
• Sesanje lesnega prahu in ostružkov na komercialnem
področju ni dovoljeno. To opozorilo velja le za Nemičjio.
• Stroj je primeren le za zbiranje ostružkov (ne prahu).
• Velja, da vsakršna drugačna uporaba ni v skladu z do-
ločili. Za škod, ki nastane pri tovrstni uporabi, izdelova-
lec ne odgovarja. Tveganje na uporabnikovo odgovor-
• Upoštevati morate izdelovalčeve predpise za varnost,
delo in vzdrževanje ter mere, ki so navedene v "Teh-
ničnih podatkih".
• Upoštevati morate ustrezne predpise za preprečevan-
je nesreč in druga splošno priznana varnostnotehnična
• Stroj sme uporabljati, vzdrževati ali popravljati le stro-
kovno osebje, ki je s tem seznanjeno in je poučeno
o nevarnostih. Izdelovalec ne odgovarja za škodo, ki
nastane zaradi samovoljnih sprememb stroja.
• Stroj se sme uporabljati le z originalno opremo in origi-
nalnim orodjem izdelovalca.


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This manual is also suitable for:

7512 0901

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