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P E N D U Lu M A N D Sta Rte R Kit; L O Ca Tio N So F Th Ee Le V A To Rrin G S; Po Sitio N S O F A Rm S - SpaceraiL 5.1 Instruction Manual


Assembly of gear box and base plate
In sta lla tio n o f th e p e n d u lu m
a n d sta rte r kit
1. Connect attachm ent parts w ith
pendulum (fg. 09). Note: T o m odify
the position of arm holder B, release
the f x ation frst
2. Connect attachm ent parts w ith
starter kit (fg. 10). Note: T o m odify
the position of arm holder B, release
the f x ation frst

L o ca tio n so f th ee le v a to rrin g s

Elev ator (fg. 11): Elev ator is show n in a scale
of 1:1. A ttach the elev ator ring s to the ex act
pre-defned red positions (T -1, T -2, T -3)
A ttach the 5 clips at the bottom of the
g earbox (see red m arking s in fg. 12) to
the ex act pre-defned positions of the base
plate (fg. 13)
In sta lla tio n o f g e a rb o x ,

p e n d u lu m a n d sta rte r kit

Location of pendulum and starter kit on
base (fg. 13)
A ttach pendulum (fg. 09) and starter kit
(fg. 10) to the base plate (fg. 13)
G ear box location on base plate (fg. 13)
A ttach the 5 clips at the bottom of the
g earbox (see red m arkings in fg. 12) to
the ex act pre-defned positions of the
base plate (fg. 13)
P o sitio n s o f a rm s
A ttach the arm s to the shafts (fg. 14). Picture
show s a scale of 1:1
A ttach the arm s to the shafts (see illustration
for arm installation on pag e E1-E4)
A ttach connecting pieces to shafts (fg. 15+ 13)
Insert the shafts into the base plate (fg. 13)
[A4] Arm holder B
[S2] Shaft 300m m
[A 5] Arm w rench
[Ex 5] Ball catcher
[S2] Shaft 300m m
[A 5] Arm w rench
[A4] Arm holder B
[Ex 2] Pendulum
[S4] Shaft 159m m
Refer to the assem bly of arm s (fg. 04)
Connect w ith holes on base plate
[Ex 6] Counterw eight
[S5] Shaft 65m m
T he counterw eight position is adjustable
on the shaft if the pendulum does
not w ork properly . Note: T o m odify the
position of counterw eight, release the
fx ation frst
[G 1] G earbox
[S6 - S8] Connecting piece
Seesaw (turn right)
[A4] Arm holder B
[A 5] Arm w rench

