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SpaceraiL 5.1 Instruction Manual page 13


In s ta lla tio n o f e le v a to r (e n try & e x it)
Im portant inform ationfortheassem blyof
elev atorentryandex it (fg. 32)
Steel balls w ill not run correctly if entry
and ex it point in the sam e direction
Pay attention to a proper installation of the
entry and ex it (fg. 33)
Install rails as closely as possible to the
entry and ex it of the elev ator to ensure the
steel balls running sm oothly (fg. 33)
Pay attention to a correct angle of the rails
w hen the steel balls enter the elev ator (fg.
34-1, 34-2, 35)
Make sure the steel balls enter the elev ator
slow ly . O therw ise they w ill rebound and fall
off the rails (fg. 34-1)
Steel balls that enter the elev ator m ay
rebound and thow n back onto the rails
after hitting the helix . Pay particular
attention here to the correct seating of the
rails. O therw ise the steel balls w ill stop and
cannot re-enter the elev ator (fg. 34-2)
A t the entry all rails m ust be at right angles
to the elev ator (fg. 35)
D istance betw een rails (fg. 36)
Install the rail stand to keep rails parallel
(fg. 36)
Curv es (fg. 37 + 38)
Curv es need to be assem bled in a certain
angle to prev ent steel balls from m issing
the turn (fg. 37). If steel balls m iss the
turn, speed has to be reduced right before
the curv e
A djust rails to reduce speed of the steel
balls (fg. 38)
Ex it
Ex it
All rails m ust be at right
angles to the elev ator
Keep rails parallel
Curv es need to be
assem bled in a certain
Adjust rails to reduce speed
Assembly of rails

