Vu-Meter [Scale -50; Temperature [Scale 0; Stream Quality [Scale - 0 + And 0 - T+A HA 200 User Manual

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[Scale -50..+5 dB]
The VU meter function displays the current signal level. The level at the D/A converter as well as the level
at the amplifier output can be displayed. The meters are peak meters (QPPM = Quasi-Peak Program
Meter). The scaling and characteristics of the meter corresponds to those for QPPM meters of type I (DIN
Level control of the input signal. For digital sources the 0 dB point corresponds to the D/A converter full
scale (0 dB FS). For analog sources, the 0dB point corresponds to a input level of 2,35 Volt eff.
Output level - voltage delivered to the headphones.
The 0-dB point corresponds to amplifier full scale.
[Scale 0...100]
The sound characteristics depend, among other things, on the temperature of the electronic components.
There is an optimal temperature for each component at which the sound quality reaches its optimum. HiFi
equipment therefore usually sounds better after a warm-up phase than it does when cold. In the HA200
the temperature is constantly monitored by the control processor. The meters show the temperature as
• The left meter shows the system temperature ( Inside the case).
The best operating temperature is about 30...50 °C.
• The right meter shows the temperature of the Class-A output stages.
The best operating temperature is about 55...85 °C.
Stream quality
[Scale - 0 + and 0...100]
• The left meter [scale - 0 +] shows whether the clock frequency of the incoming data stream of the cur-
rently active source is operating at the standard frequency. If the needle is exactly in the middle of the
scale, the frequency of the source is exactly at the standard frequency. The display range covers 150ppm
to +150 ppm. Normgerechte Quellen sollten im Bereich +/ 50 ppm liegen.
• The right meter [scale 0...100] indicates the error rate of the currently active input. With good transmis-
sion quality, the display should be at 0.
If frequent needle deflections are observed on the right-hand meter, the cables for the relevant input should
be checked first and replaced if necessary. If this does not bring any improvement, the source device should be
The internal precision clock oscillator (Status display LO OVS) in the HA200 can resynchronize signals from
-150 to +150 ppm and remove any jitter.



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