Initial Configuration - Nixie Clock ITS1A Manual

Table of Contents


If segments stay on when they should go off, you can increase the Reset Pulse Length in the Extra config
screen. Generally you will want this value to be as low as possible as that will reduce flicker, but you also
want segments to go out!

Initial Configuration

All configuration of the clock is done via a web interface. The clock will publish a WiFi access point
whose name ends in ITS1AClock. Connect to it – the password is secretsauce. When you connect to it,
you should then be taken to a captive portal that will display this page:
You can set the time on the clock right from this page. Hit the Set Clock Time button. It will set
the time to whatever the time is on your phone/PC. The clock should stop counting and display
the time. The display might go blank – this is because it is pre-configured to only be on between
6am and 10pm. You can change this in the main config screen:
You can also configure the clock right from the captive portal. Hit the Configure Clock button!
Configure WiFi and Configure WiFi (no Scan), allow you to connect the clock to a router. If you
do this the clock will synchronize time with a time server on the internet and you can configure
the clock by pointing a browser at http://its1aclock.local/. This page also allows you to rename
the clock, which will also rename the access point.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents