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Installation; Maintenance - dalap VOD200 User Manual


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VOD fans are used in intake-exhaust ventilation. They can be used both in public utility rooms, sanitary rooms,
living premises and industrial buildings. Speed controllers - FAR P/N - can be connected with VOD fans.
VOD fans consist of:
one phase induction motor with a start capacitor of IP X4 degree (International Protection Rating),
adapted to the constant work S-1, charakterized by the silent work in relation to their efficiency, blades
curved backwards
the casing made of galvanized, or steel sheet (depending on needs), corrosion-proof and fault-tolerant
Static and dynamic turbine´s balancing guarantees reliable steadiness of the fan.
VOD fans do not require frequent and detailed inspections (not less than once a yea) - depending on the
condition in a place that a given fan is installed in. They are adjusted to the constant work.


VOD fans are designed to be mounted on roofs and ventilation chimneys.
After a fan is unpacked, you should check:
the condition of connectors in junction box (cuts, insulation breaks)
the condition of a fan´s casing (dents, deformations) - the propeller should not scrape the tunnel
if the technical data on the information plate corresponds to the parametrs of a given electrical
CAUTION! Turn off the current supply in the electrical installation before the process of installation! The
connection to the electrical installation have to be performed by professionals with required
The installation of a fan in its place:
1. Prepare electrical connectors of the fan.
2. Place the fan in the ventilation chimney, or on a roof.
3. Draw the placement of installation holes in relation to the clamp.
4. Drill the holes in which we place raw plugs.
5. Place the fan in its place of destination.
6. Screw the plugs tight.


In order to remove impurities from the fan´s inside you should:
1. Disconnect the fan from the elektric network.
2. Unscrew the bolts in order to disassemble the fan.
3. Wash all the details with a moist cloth with a small amount of detergent. (Watch out do not wet the motor!)
4. After wiping all the elements of the fan, they should be installed back again.
5. Install the fan in the place of destination.
6. Connects fan with the network.
Anschluss-Schema /Connection scheme / Schéma zapojení
Montage des Ventilators /Assembling the fan / Sestavení ventilátoru
1.Der VOD Ventilator wird im Karton mit
2. Installieren Sie das Gitter, It. Abbildung 2
separat verpacKtem Gitter und Abdeckung
Befestigen Sie das Gitter mit vier
geliefert. Vor dem Einbau sollten Gitter und
Blechschrauben an den vorhandenen
Abdeckung am Ventilator befestigt werden.
1. VOD fan is packed in a box along with an
2. The grille should be installed as shown in
unscrewed grille and a cover. Before the
the picture 2. Next, it should be mounted in
direct installation, the VOD fan´s body should
relation to the holes in the fan´s body by
be connected with the grille and the cover.
means of four sheet metal screws as in the
picture 2.
1. VOD ventilátor je zabalen v krabici spolu s
møížkou a odšroubovaným krytem. Pøed
2. Møížka musí být umístìna jako na
pøímou montáží musí být tìlo VOD
o b r á z k u 2 . K t ì l u v e n t i l á t o r u j e
ventilátoru spojeno s møížkou a krytem.
pøišroubována 4 šrouby ve vnitøním obvodu -
viz. obrázek 2.
3.Setzen Sie jetzt den Deckel auf das zuvor
befestigte Gitter. Achten Sie auf die
Übereinstimmung der Schraubenlöcher. Das
Abdeckgitter sollte mit M4-Schrauben,
Abstandshaltern und Muttern installiert
werden. Ziehen Se die Schrauben mit einem
Schraubenschlüssel nach..
3. Next, put the cover on the previously
screwed grille and set it in compliance with
the holes. The grille´s cover should be
installed by means of M4 screws, spacers,
and nuts. We screw the bolts tight by means
of the spanner.
3.Kryt umístìte na pøišroubovanou møížku,
vypasujte a pomocí šroubù M4, podložek a
matic sešroubujte k sobì. Pomocí klíèe
šrouby dobøe utáhnìte.



This manual is also suitable for:

Vod 250Vod 315