Delta Ultron GES203HH33A035 User Manual

Delta Ultron GES203HH33A035 User Manual

Integrated battery, three phase 20/30/40kva


The power behind competitiveness
Delta UPS - Ultron Family
HPH Integrated Battery Series, Three Phase
20/30/40 kVA
User Manual


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Delta Ultron GES203HH33A035

  • Page 1 The power behind competitiveness Delta UPS - Ultron Family HPH Integrated Battery Series, Three Phase 20/30/40 kVA User Manual
  • Page 2 (“Manual”), including but not limited to the contents, information, and figures are solely owned and reserved by Delta Electronics Inc. (“Delta”). The Manual can only be applied to the operation or the XVH RI WKLV SURGXFW $Q\ GLVSRVLWLRQ GXSOLFDWLRQ GLVVHPLQDWLRQ UHSURGXFWLRQ PRGL¿FDWLRQ WUDQVODWLRQ extraction, or usage of this Manual in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of Delta.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 : Important Safety Instructions Placement Warnings ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Connection Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Usage Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Storage Warnings --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Glossary of Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Standard Compliance ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Chapter 2 : Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Product Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Package Inspection ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Functions and Features ------------------------------------------------------------ 7...
  • Page 4 6.5.3 Single Unit Wiring --------------------------------------------------------- 35 6.5.4 Parallel Units Wiring ----------------------------------------------------- 42 External Battery Cabinet Connection Precautions ------------------------- 45 Chapter 7 : Operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------49 Connecting the UPS with the Utility AC Power ------------------------------ 49 Turn-on -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Turn-off -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Chapter 8 : LCD Display and Settings ----------------------------------------------51 LCD Display Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------ 51 Parallel Screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 53...
  • Page 5: Chapter 1 : Important Safety Instructions

    Chapter 1 Important Safety Instructions Chapter 1 : Important Safety Instructions Placement Warnings Install the UPS in a well-ventilated indoor area, away from excess moisture, heat, dust, ÀDPPDEOH JDV RU H[SORVLYHV Leave adequate space around all sides of the UPS for proper ventilation. Please refer to 6.2 Installation Environment.
  • Page 6 Do not put beverage containers on the UPS, battery cabinet or any other accessory asso- ciated with the UPS. The risk of dangerous high voltage is possible when the batteries are still connected to the UPS even though the UPS is disconnected from the mains. Do not forget to open internal battery fuse holders and disconnect battery cables to completely cut off the battery source.
  • Page 7: Storage Warnings

    Chapter 1 Important Safety Instructions Storage Warnings Prior to Installation If the UPS needs to be stored prior to installation, it should be placed in a dry area. The al- lowable storage temperature is between -15°C and +40°C. After Usage Press the OFF key ( ) once and the LCD shows the following screen.
  • Page 8: Standard Compliance

    Symbol Description &RQ¿UPV VHOHFWLRQ EPO key R phase of AC Input/ UPS Output S phase of AC Input/ UPS Output T phase of AC Input/ UPS Output Input neutral line/ Output neutral line / Battery neutral line For UPS grounding For critical load grounding/ For external battery cabinet grounding Positive battery terminal...
  • Page 9: Chapter 2 : Introduction

    Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 2 : Introduction Product Introduction The HPH Integrated Battery Series UPS (hereinafter referred to as UPS) is a three-phase four-wire online uninterruptible power supply, which provides reliable and stable sine-wave power to your electronic devices. The UPS applies the latest design of DSP digital control WHFKQRORJ\ DQG KLJKHVW TXDOLW\ DVVHPEO\ ZLWK DQ RXWSXW SRZHU IDFWRU XS WR XQLW\ 7KH HI¿FLHQ- cy of the entire device can reach up to 96% in online mode and up to 99% in ECO mode.
  • Page 10 Please keep them well after unpacking. You might use them for installation. : The cable connects the UPS and a Delta Mini SNMP card, Mini USB card, Mini Relay I/O card, or Mini Modbus card. The above-mentioned cards are op- tional.
  • Page 11: Functions And Features

    Chapter 2 Introduction 4. If there is any damage or anything missing, please immediately contact the dealer from whom you purchased the unit. 5. If the UPS needs to be returned, carefully repack the UPS and all of the accessories using the original packing material that came with the unit.
  • Page 12 Other optional accessories include Mini Relay I/O, Mini USB, Mini ModBus and Mini TVSS cards for dry contact, USB communication, ModBus communication and surge protection. ,Q RUGHU WR LPSURYH WKH HI¿FLHQF\ IXUWKHU WKH 836 FDQ EH VHW WR RSHUDWH LQ (&2 PRGH ,Q case of any abnormal conditions, the UPS will transfer to online mode automatically.
  • Page 13: Chapter 3 : Appearance And Mechanism

    Chapter 3 Appearance and Mechanism Chapter 3 : Appearance and Mechanism Appearance and Dimensions 1400 (Figure 3-1: 20/ 30/ 40 kVA UPS Appearance and Dimensions) Front View LCD Display, Control Panel and LED Indicators Front Door’s Screw Hidden Door Handle Front Door’s Screw (Figure 3-2: Front View)
  • Page 14: Front View With Door Open

    LCD Display, Control Panel and LED Indicators 1. LCD display lets you check the status of the UPS.  &RQWURO SDQHO LQFOXGHV (6& PRYHXS PRYHGRZQ FRQ¿UPDWLRQ RQ RII DQG (32 buttons. 3. LED indicators include NORMAL, BATTERY, BYPASS and FAULT these four indica- tors.
  • Page 15 Chapter 3 Appearance and Mechanism Close the Internal Open the Internal Battery Fuse Holders Battery Fuse Holders (Figure 3-4: Open/ Close the Internal Battery Fuse Holders) Internal Battery Cabinet Different models of UPSs have different contents inside the internal battery cabinet. There are two types and please see the table below for more information.
  • Page 16: Control Panel

    Control Panel NORMAL BATTERY BYPASS FAULT (Figure 3-5: Front Panel) Item Description This indicates that the UPS is operating in online mode and NORMAL the utility AC power is normal. This indicates that the UPS is operating in battery mode and BATTERY the external batteries are discharging.
  • Page 17: Rear Panel

    Chapter 3 Appearance and Mechanism Item Description Moves up/ Increases number. Moves down/ Decreases number. Goes back to previous screen or cancels current selection. When an emergency event occurs, press the EPO key for RYHU  VHFRQG WR VKXW GRZQ WKH UHFWL¿HU LQYHUWHU DQG RXWSXW of the UPS immediately.
  • Page 19 Chapter 3 Appearance and Mechanism No. Item Description REPO Port When an emergency event occurs, it can disconnect the UPS power supply rapidly and shut down the UPS safely and immedi- ately. For detailed information, please refer to Chapter 5 : Com- munication Interfaces.
  • Page 20: Chapter 4 : Operation Modes

    Chapter 4 : Operation Modes Online Mode The critical load is supplied by the inverter, which derives its power from the utility AC power, and the UPS charges the batteries as needed and provides power protection to the equipment. During on-line mode, the NORMAL LED indicator ( ) illuminates (green).
  • Page 21 Chapter 4 Operation Modes ECO Mode You can manually set the UPS to ECO mode. In ECO mode, when the utility input voltage is within the range of rated voltage ±10%, the load is supplied by the utility power and the BYPASS LED indicator ( ) illuminates (yellow);...
  • Page 22 Table 4-1: The battery status is as follows Battery Capacity Buzzer LCD Display Full/ Mid The alarm beeps once every BATTERY CAPACITY 10 seconds. 00V/ 000% (ON for 0.1 second and OFF for 9.9 seconds) The alarm beeps once every BATTERY CAPACITY 0.5 second.
  • Page 23 Chapter 4 Operation Modes Converter Mode When the UPS is manually set in converter mode, the output frequency can be set as 50Hz or 60Hz. After the output frequency is set up, the system will automatically disable the bypass func- tion.
  • Page 24: Chapter 5 : Communication Interfaces

    Chapter 5 : Communication Interfaces For the positions and functions of the communication interfaces, please refer to the following descrip- tion. MINI SLOT SMART SLOT (20kVA Model) (30kVA Model) (40kVA Model) MINI SLOT MINI SLOT SMART SLOT MINI SLOT SMART SLOT SMART SLOT PARALLEL PARALLEL...
  • Page 25 ModBus communication functions respectively. MINI Slot This MINI slot is for mini cards. You can install a Delta Mini SNMP, Mini Relay I/O, Mini USB, Mini ModBus, or Mini TVSS card in this slot to give the system network communication, dry contact, USB communication, ModBus communication, and surge protection functions respectively.
  • Page 26 3. Enables/ disables beep. 5 4 3 2 1 4. Supports remote shutdown. 5. Pin Assignment: 1) PIN 2: TXD <Transmitting Data> 2) PIN 3: RXD <Receiving Data> 9 8 7 6 3) PIN 5: GND <Signal Ground> (Figure 5-3: RS232 Port) 6.
  • Page 27 Chapter 5 Communication Interfaces The HPH UPS provides six sets of programmable output dry contacts for you to receive UPS events. The output dry contacts are normally open. There are eighteen events for you to select, and you can choose six of them to set up the output dry contacts. Please refer to the table below. Event Description Load on inverter...
  • Page 28 Event Description Battery needs replace- Battery replacement date is due. ment Bypass over temperature Bypass static switch temperature is too high. warning/ shutdown Bypass static switch fail The bypass static switch has open/ short issue. Over temperature fail When the UPS temperature is out of range. General alarm When any of above-mentioned events occurs.
  • Page 29 Chapter 5 Communication Interfaces 2K(1206) 2K(1206) +12VSF 2K(1206) 2K(1206) (Figure 5-7: Input Dry Contact Configuration II) REPO Port The REPO port is for remote emergency shutdown. When an emergency event occurs, it can dis- connect the UPS power supply rapidly and shut down the UPS immediately. The configuration is shown as follows and it requires external power with a voltage range between 6~12Vdc.
  • Page 30: Chapter 6 : Installation And Wiring

    If you want to install the UPS by yourself, installation must be under the supervision of authorized Delta engineers or service personnel. If you use a forklift RU RWKHU HTXLSPHQW WR PRYH WKH 836 SOHDVH PDNH VXUH LWV ORDG EHDULQJ LV VXI¿FLHQW )RU WKH weight of the UPS, please refer to $SSHQGL[   7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV.
  • Page 31: Ups Transportation & Handling

    Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring UPS Transportation & Handling There are four casters at the bottom of the UPS. Please pay attention to the movement of the casters to avoid accidents when you remove the UPS from its pallet. The casters are designed to move on level ground.
  • Page 32 (Front) Mounting Hole (Diameter:Ø15 mm) 4PCS 578.6 mm 659.6 mm (Back) (Figure 6-2: Mounting Hole Diagram) Move the UPS on the installation ground that you have drilled holes, use the levelers to stabilize the UPS on the ground and use the M6 screws to reinstall the balance supports (that have been removed from the UPS during the unpacking process) on WKH 836 3OHDVH UHIHU WR WKH ¿JXUH EHORZ M6 Screw x 8...
  • Page 33: Wiring

    6.5.1 Precautions Prior to Wiring 7KH ZLULQJ PXVW EH SHUIRUPHG E\ TXDOL¿HG SURIHVVLRQDO SHUVRQQHO ,I \RX ZDQW WR LQVWDOO WKH UPS by yourself, installation must be under the supervision of authorized Delta engineers or service personnel. Before wiring or making any electrical connection, make sure the power supplied to the input and output of the UPS is completely cut off and the internal battery fuse holders are open.
  • Page 34 Suggested Protective Device Suggested Supplier 20kVA D-Curve 63A circuit breaker Input & Bypass: CHNT (CB-60D) 30/ 40kVA D-Curve 125A circuit breaker Input & Bypass: CHNT (CB-125 D125) When connecting the UPS to the critical loads, you must install a 3-pole EN 60947-2 certi- ¿HG EUHDNHU EHWZHHQ WKHP 3OHDVH UHIHU WR WKH WDEOH EHORZ Suggested 3-pole Breaker Suggested Supplier...
  • Page 35 Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring The grounding cable of the external battery cabinet must be connected to the ( ) termi- nal of the battery terminal block. The UPS default setting is single input. If there is an intention to change the UPS into dual LQSXW RU KRW VWDQGE\ UHGXQGDQF\ FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ SOHDVH FRQWDFW TXDOL¿HG VHUYLFH SHUVRQQHO Please check whether the electric potential of the neutral line (N) of the bypass source is the same as that of the neutral line (N) of the main AC source.
  • Page 36: 6Lqjoh ,Qsxw 'Xdo ,Qsxw 0Rgl¿Fdwlrq

     6LQJOH ,QSXW 'XDO ,QSXW 0RGL¿FDWLRQ WARNING: 1. Only authorized Delta engineers or service personnel can modify single input/ dual input setup. 2. For dual input, the main AC source’s Neutral (N) must be connected with the by- pass source’s Neutral (N).
  • Page 37 Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring (20kVA Model) INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER Remove the four cables UPS OUTPUT AC INPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT (30kVA Model) INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER Remove the four cables AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT (40kVA Model)
  • Page 38 2. Or remove the four cables that connect the AC input terminal block and the bypass breaker (please see Figure 6-7). When wiring, connect the bypass source’s R, S, T and N cables to the bypass breaker. (20kVA Model) INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER Remove the four cables...
  • Page 39: 6.5.3 Single Unit Wiring

    Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring 6.5.3 Single Unit Wiring NOTE: Prior to wiring, please read 6.5.1 Precautions Prior to Wiring ¿UVW Single Input (Single Unit) When there is only one AC power source, single unit wiring procedures are as follows. Remove the cover plates shown in Figure 6-5 and you will see the wiring terminal block shown in Figure 6-8.
  • Page 40 Please ensure you understand the functions of the wiring terminal block shown in Figure 6-8. No. Item Function Description AC Input Connects the main Includes three-phase (R, S, T) and Terminal Block AC source. neutral (N) terminals. For the UPS ground- Includes one grounding terminal.
  • Page 41 Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring (Figure 6-9: Battery Kit Installation) (20kVA Model) INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT For the external battery cabinet’s For the grounding Connects the grounding critical loads Connects an external R S T N battery...
  • Page 42 (30kVA Model) INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT For the critical loads’ For the external grounding battery cabinet’s grounding Connects the Connects critical loads an external R S T N battery (*CS: 4-Pole cabinet Contactor...
  • Page 43 When there are two AC power sources, single unit wiring procedures are as follows. Follow  6LQJOH ,QSXW 'XDO ,QSXW 0RGL¿FDWLRQ to modify the UPS into dual in- put. Please note that only authorized Delta engineers or service personnel can modi- fy single input/ dual input setup.
  • Page 44 (20kVA Model) R S T N INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER (*CS: 4-Pole Contactor Contactor Solenoid) R S T N Protective Device AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT R S T N Connects the main AC source For the external battery cabinet’s For the...
  • Page 45: Installation And Wiring

    Chapter 6 Installation and Wiring (30kVA Model) R S T N (*CS: 4-Pole INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER Contactor Contactor Solenoid) R S T N Protective Device R S T N AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT Connects the main AC source For the critical loads’...
  • Page 46: 6.5.4 Parallel Units Wiring

    (40kVA Model) R S T N (*CS: 4-Pole Contactor Contactor INPUT BREAKER BYPASS BREAKER Solenoid) R S T N Protective Device R S T N AC INPUT UPS OUTPUT 240V DC 240V DC BATTERY INPUT Connects the main AC source For the critical loads’...
  • Page 47 When there are two AC power sources, parallel units’ wiring procedures are as follows. Follow  6LQJOH ,QSXW 'XDO ,QSXW 0RGL¿FDWLRQ to modify the UPS into dual in- put. Please note that only authorized Delta engineers or service personnel can modi- fy single input/ dual input setup.
  • Page 48 Use the provided parallel cable to connect the parallel ports on the parallel units. Please see Figure 5-1 for parallel port location. Please refer to Chapter 5 : Communication Interfaces to set the parallel switch in the ON or OFF position. Please follow steps stated in section Single Input (Single Unit).
  • Page 49: External Battery Cabinet Connection Precautions

    Use the voltage meter to measure whether the total voltage, after the external battery cabi- net connection, is around 12.5Vdc × the total number of batteries. When connecting a non-Delta external battery cabinet to the UPS, it is compulsory to in- stall an appropriate non-fuse DC breaker and fast-acting fuses (when short-circuit occurs,...
  • Page 50 The breaker must be a 4-pole non-fuse DC breaker with characteristics of 1-pole 250Vdc, 2-pole 500Vdc and 3-pole 750Vdc. Please follow Figure 6-21 or Figure 6-22 to install a 4-pole non-fuse DC breaker and fast-acting fuses between the UPS and the non-Delta ex- ternal battery cabinet.
  • Page 51 21 batteries. You should use three cables to connect a non-Delta external battery cabinet with the ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘N’ termi- nals marked on the UPS. When connecting a non-Delta external battery cabinet with the UPS, you must install an appropriate 4-pole non-fuse DC breaker and fast-acting fuses.
  • Page 52 External Battery Cabinet Alarm When an external battery cabinet connected to the UPS has the following problems, the UPS system will sound an alarm. Please see the table below. External Battery Cabinet Status Alarm Battery Test Fail Sounds once every 2 seconds. Battery Low Warning Sounds once every 0.5 second.
  • Page 53: Chapter 7 : Operation

    Chapter 7 Operation Chapter 7 : Operation Connecting the UPS with the Utility AC Power If the UPS connects with external battery cabinets, make sure the circuit breakers or switches of all external battery cabinets are switched to the ON position. Close the internal battery fuse holders.
  • Page 54 In battery mode, press the OFF key ( ) once and the LCD shows the following screen. To turn off the UPS, press the DOWN key ( ). The inverter will shut down, the buzzer will sound once, and the UPS will shutdown. WARNING: You can remove the UPS only after the screen on the LCD is off, the fans stop run- ning, the utility AC power is shut off and the batteries are removed.
  • Page 55: Chapter 8 : Lcd Display And Settings

    Chapter 8 LCD Display and Settings Chapter 8 : LCD Display and Settings LCD Display Hierarchy (Level 1) (Level 1) (Level 1) ALARM/ FAULT PARALLEL SCREEN MAIN SCREEN INFORMATION (Level 2) MAIN MENU (Level 3) (Level 3) MEASURE MAINTENANCE (Level 4) (Level 4) MODEL NAME MAINS...
  • Page 56 After initialization, the LCD will show current UPS status diagram as follows. The system shows different screens depending on the status of the UPS. There are six statuses, and each is called Main Screen. Please see below for further information. The six statuses of the UPS shown in the LCD display are as follows.
  • Page 57: Parallel Screen

    Chapter 8 LCD Display and Settings When the screen above appears, it means that the UPS is in battery mode. When the screen above appears, it means that the UPS is in manual bypass mode. Before maintenance, do not forget to switch the UPS into manual bypass mode and cut off the main AC source and batteries.
  • Page 58: Main Menu

    Main Menu In a Main Screen, press the function key ( ) to enter into the Main Menu shown below. MEASURE Check the UPS’s mains, bypass, inverter, output, battery, temperature and DC BUS read- ings. MAINTENANCE &KHFN WKH 836¶V PRGHO QDPH VHULDO QXPEHU ¿UPZDUH YHUVLRQ VWDWLVWLFV HYHQW ORJ UHDO time clock, control &...
  • Page 59: Measure

    Chapter 8 LCD Display and Settings Measure Route: Main Screen ¼ Main Menu ¼ Measure Use the function keys ( ) and ( ) to check the UPS’s mains, bypass, inverter, output, battery, temperature and DC BUS readings. Please refer to the charts below. ℃...
  • Page 60: Maintenance

    Maintenance Route: Main Screen ¼ Main Menu ¼ Maintenance Use the function keys ( ) and ( ) to check the UPS’s model name, serial num- EHU ¿UPZDUH YHUVLRQ VWDWLVWLFV HYHQW ORJ UHDO WLPH FORFN FRQWURO WHVW DQG ODQJXDJH VHWXS User can set up the last two items.
  • Page 61 Chapter 8 LCD Display and Settings Statistics Route: Main Screen ¼ Main Menu ¼ Maintenance ¼ 2.4 Statistics 1. RUN TIME (DD HH: MM: SS): The UPS’s total running time. 2. ON BAT COUNTS: How many times the UPS runs in battery mode. 3.
  • Page 62 Control & Test Route: Main Screen ¼ Main Menu ¼ Maintenance ¼ 2.7 Control & Test 1. BATT TEST: Enable or disable battery test. Three are three choices, ABORT, DEEP or 10 SEC. 2. BEEP ENABLE: Enable or disable buzzer. Language Setup Route: Main Screen ¼...
  • Page 63: Chapter 9 : Optional Accessories

    Chapter 9 Optional Accessories Chapter 9 : Optional Accessories There are several optional accessories available for this HPH series UPS. Please refer to the table be- low for the optional accessories and their descriptions. Item Function Dust Filter Prevents dust from entering into the UPS to ensure UPS reliabil- ity and to prolong product life.
  • Page 64: Chapter 10 : Maintenance

    Chapter 10 : Maintenance 1. UPS Cleaning: 5HJXODUO\ FOHDQ WKH 836 HVSHFLDOO\ WKH VOLWV DQG RSHQLQJV WR HQVXUH WKDW WKH DLU IUHHO\ ÀRZV into the UPS to avoid overheating. If necessary, use an air-gun to clean the slits and openings to prevent any object from blocking or covering these areas.
  • Page 65: Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting

    Chapter 11 Troubleshooting Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting When you see the following problems appear on the LCD, please follow the solutions shown below. No. Alarm Message Possible Cause Solution SHORT CIRCUIT Output has a short circuit issue. Contact service personnel. INVERTER FAIL Inverter is damaged.
  • Page 66 No. Alarm Message Possible Cause Solution BATTERY RE- Batteries are connected in reverse. Please check the batteries’ polar- VERSED ity. INPUT PHASE Input phase sequence is wrong. Check input phase sequence. SEQUENCE FAIL INVERTER SOFT 1. Inverter detection is abnormal. Contact service personnel.
  • Page 67: Sshqgl

    Appendix 1 7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV $SSHQGL[   7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV HPH-20K-B HPH-30K-B HPH-40K-B Model HPH-20K-BN* HPH-30K-BN* HPH-40K-BN* Power Rating 20kVA/20kW 30kVA/30kW 40kVA/40kW Waveform Sine Wave Nominal Voltage 220/380 Vac; 230/400 Vac; 240/415 Vac Voltage Range 300 ~ 477 Vac (100% load) Frequency 50/60 Hz Input...
  • Page 68 HPH-20K-B HPH-30K-B HPH-40K-B Model HPH-20K-BN* HPH-30K-BN* HPH-40K-BN* SMART Slot x 1, MINI Slot x 1, Parallel Port x 2, RS232 Port x 1, Communication Interfaces REPO Port x 1, Charger Detection Port x 1, Input Dry Contact x 2, Output Dry Contact x 6 Manual Bypass Switch Dimensions (W x D x H) 490 x 830 x 1400 mm...
  • Page 69: Appendix 2 : Warranty

    Appendix 2 Warranty Appendix 2 : Warranty Seller warrants this product, if used in accordance with all applicable instructions, to be free from origi- nal defects in material and workmanship within the warranty period. If the product has any failure prob- lem within the warranty period, Seller will repair or replace the product at its sole discretion according to the failure situation.
  • Page 70 5013206100...

Table of Contents