Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest Safe Implementation And Operation
Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest Safe Implementation And Operation

Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest Safe Implementation And Operation

Safety light curtains
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MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest
Safety Light Curtains
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest

  • Page 1 MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest Safety Light Curtains S A F E I M P L E M E N T A T I O N A N D O P E R A T I O N O r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s...
  • Page 2 © 2017 Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG In der Braike 1 D-73277 Owen / Germany Phone: +49 7021 573-0 Fax: +49 7021 573-199 http://www.leuze.com Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    One-sided mounting on the machine table................ 31 Mounting accessories ...................... 32 6.3.1 MLC-PS protective screen .................... 32 Electrical connection.................. 33 Pin assignment transmitter and receiver ................ 33 7.1.1 MLC 500/A transmitter ...................... 33 7.1.2 MLC 510/A receiver...................... 34 AS-i signal assignment ...................... 34 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 4 Service and support ................... 44 Technical data ..................... 45 14.1 General specifications ...................... 45 14.2 Dimensions, weight, response time .................. 47 14.3 Dimensional drawings: Accessories .................. 51 Ordering information and accessories ............. 53 EC Declaration of Conformity................ 59 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 5: About This Document

    Safety-related switching output (Output Signal Switching Device) Probability of a dangerous failure per hour (Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour) Performance Level Scan Consecutive scans of the protective field from the first to the last beam Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 6: Checklists

    They replace neither testing of the complete machine or system prior to initial commissioning nor their peri- odic testing by a qualified person (see chapter 2.2 "Necessary competencies"). The checklists contain mini- mum testing requirements. Depending on the application, other tests may be necessary. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 7: Safety

    • The safety sensor must be inspected regularly by a competent person to ensure proper integration and mounting (see chapter 2.2 "Necessary competencies"). • The safety sensor must be exchanged after a maximum of 20 years. Repairs or the exchange of wear parts do not extend the mission time. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 8: Foreseeable Misuse

    • In addition, a task related to the subject matter is performed in a timely manner and knowledge is kept up to date through continuous further training ‑ Competent person in terms of the German Betrieb- ssicherheitsverordnung (Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health) or other national legal regulations. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 9: Responsibility For Safety

    • Periodic testing by a competent person (see chapter 2.2 "Necessary competencies") Disclaimer The liability of Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG is to be excluded in the following cases: • Safety sensor is not used as intended. • Safety notices are not adhered to.
  • Page 10: Device Description

    7‑segment ■ ■ ■ display Automatic ■ ■ ■ start/restart ■ ■ ■ ■ Linkage ■ Blanking ■ ■ Muting ■ ■ Scan mode ■ ■ Range reduc- ■ ■ tion Test input ■ Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 11 For the correct synchronization and function of the safety sensor, at least one of the two syn- chronization beams must be free during synchronization and operation. Optically active area, housed in yellow Synchronization beams Fig. 3.1: Transmitter-receiver system Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 12: Connection Technology

    Devices with different resolutions can be combined. With mounting brackets (see chapter 15 "Ordering information and accessories"), an L or U-shaped fixed connection can be created. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 13 Host receiver Guest receiver Fig. 3.3: Cascaded system with 2 MLC safety light curtains Host transmitter Middle Guest transmitter Guest transmitter Host receiver Middle Guest receiver Guest receiver Fig. 3.4: Cascaded system with 3 MLC safety light curtains Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 14: Display Elements

    Located in the connection cap on the transmitter are two LEDs which serve as function indicators: LED1, green/red LED2, no function Fig. 3.5: Indicators on the MLC 500/A transmitter Tab. 3.2: Meaning of the LEDs on the transmitter Color State Description Green/red Device switched off Device error Green Normal operation Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 15: Operating Indicators On The Mlc 510/A Receiver

    OSSD off, transmission channel Green AS-i slave communicating with AS-i master Yellow flashing AS-i slave has invalid address 0 Red, flashing AS-i slave device error or AS-i connection defective Red/green, flashing alternately Periphery error No voltage Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 16: Functions

    Functions Functions An overview of features and functions of the safety sensor can be found in chapter “Device descrip- tion” (see chapter 3.1 "Device overview of the MLC family"). Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 17: Applications

    Point of operation guarding protects reaching into the danger zone, e.g. for cartoners or filling systems Fig. 5.2: Point of operation guarding protects reaching into the danger zone, e.g. for a pick & place robot applica- tion Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 18: Access Guarding

    Depending on the mounting height, resolutions of 40 or 90 mm are used (Link destination: order guide and accessories). Fig. 5.4: Danger zone guarding on a robot Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 19: Mounting

    Total time of the delay, sum from (t  + t  + t Response time of the protective device Response time of the safety relay Stopping time of the machine [mm] Additional distance to the safety distance Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 20: Calculation Of Safety Distance If Protective Fields Act Orthogonally To The Approach Direction

    500 mm; this is why the calculation may not be repeated with 1600 mm/s. NOTICE Implement the stepping behind protection required here, e.g., through the use of an additional or cascaded safety sensor for area protection. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 21 The safety light curtain with a 40 mm resolution is thus suitable for this application. NOTICE For the calculation with K = 2000 mm/s, safety distance S equals 736 mm. The adoption of ap- proach speed K = 1600 mm/s is therefore permitted. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 22 Height b of the upper edge of the protective field of the electro-sensitive protective of the equipment point of 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 opera- tion Additional distance C to the danger zone [mm] [mm] 2600 2500 2400 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 23 ð In this line, go to the left column: here you will find the permitted height of the point of operation. Ä Now calculate safety distance S using the general formula acc. to EN ISO 13855 (see chapter 6.1.1 "Calculation of safety distance S"). ð The larger of the two values S and S is to be used. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 24: Calculation Of Safety Distance S For Parallel Approach To The Protective Field

    Stopping time of the machine [mm] Additional distance for danger zone guarding with approach reaction H = height of the protec- tive field, H  = minimum installation height permitted, but no smaller than 0, d = resolution of the protective device C = 1200 mm - 0.4 × H; H  = 15 × (d - 50) Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 25 This is why the calculation is repeated with a protective field height of 1500 mm. The response time is now 14 ms. Ä Re-calculate safety distance S using the formula acc. to EN ISO 13855. [mm/s] 1600 (0.140 + 0.014 + 0.010) [mm] 1200 [mm] 1600 mm/s × 0.164 s + 1200 mm [mm] 1463 A suitable safety sensor has been found; its protective field height is 1500 mm. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 26: Minimum Distance To Reflective Surfaces

    Minimum distance to reflective surfaces as a function of the protective field width Tab. 6.2: Formula for calculating the minimum distance to reflective surfaces Distance (b) transmitter-receiver Calculation of the minimum distance (a) to reflective sur- faces b ≤ 3 m a [mm] = 131 b > 3 m a [mm] = tan(2.5°) × 1000 × b [m] = 43.66 × b [m] Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 27: Preventing Mutual Interference Between Adjacent Devices

    Ä Mount adjacent devices with a shield between them or install a dividing wall to prevent mutual interfer- ence. Ä Mount the adjacent devices opposite from one another to prevent mutual interference. Receiver 1 Transmitter 1 Transmitter 2 Receiver 2 Fig. 6.5: Opposite mounting Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 28: Mounting The Safety Sensor

    Can the entire danger zone be seen from the installation site of the reset button? Can reflection caused by the installation site be ruled out? NOTICE If you answer one of the items on the checklist above with no, the mounting location must be changed. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 29: Definition Of Directions Of Movement

    M6 screws. Sliding in the direction of slot to set the height is possible, but turning, tilting and pitching is not. Fig. 6.7: Mounting via sliding blocks BT-NC60 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 30: Fastening With Bt-2Hf Swivel Mount

    For increased mechanical loads, mounting brackets are also available in a vibration-damped version (BT-2HF-S) (see chapter 15 "Ordering information and accessories"). Fig. 6.8: Mounting via swivel mount BT-2HF 6.2.5 Fastening via swiveling mounting brackets BT-2SB10 Fig. 6.9: Mounting via swiveling mounting brackets BT-2SB10 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 31: One-Sided Mounting On The Machine Table

    Ä After mounting and every day after that, check the detection capability of the safety sensor in the entire protective field using a test rod (see chapter 9.3.1 "Checklist – periodically by the operator"). Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 32: Mounting Accessories

    10%. Mounting bracket sets with 2 and 3 clamp brackets are available. NOTICE If the length equals 1200 mm or higher, 3 clamp brackets are recommended. Fig. 6.11: MLC-PS protective screen fastened with MLC-2PSF clamp bracket Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 33: Electrical Connection

    Ä For further information: see EN ISO 13849-2, Table D.4. Pin assignment transmitter and receiver 7.1.1 MLC 500/A transmitter MLC 500/A transmitters are equipped with a 5-pin M12 connector. Fig. 7.1: Pin assignment transmitter Tab. 7.1: Pin assignment transmitter Transmitter AS-i + n.c. AS-i - n.c. n.c. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 34: Mlc 510/A Receiver

    Signal assignment DI0...DI3 Code sequence in accordance with AS-i Safety at Work Restart delay time after beam interruption P0=0 ® 100 ms P0=1 ® 500 ms Error message output P1=1 ® no interference P1=0 ® interference, e.g. caused by soiling, or peripheral error Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 35: Starting Up The Device

    Alignment can be performed with a clear protective field by observing the LEDs (see chapter 3.4 "Display elements"). Ä Loosen the screws on the mounting brackets or device columns. NOTICE Loosen the screws only enough so that the devices can just be moved. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 36: Aligning Of Deflecting Mirrors With The Laser Alignment Aid

    The laser beam must strike the transmitter in both cases if the receiver has been correctly aligned. Ä Remove the laser alignment aid from the safety sensor. ð The protective field is free. LED1 on the receiver is permanently lit green. The receiver is in the ON state. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 37: Testing

    Completing the checklist does not replace testing by a qualified person (see chapter 2.2 "Necessary competencies")! Ä If you answer one of the items on the following check list with no, the machine must no longer be operated. Ä IEC/TS 62046 contains additional recommendations on testing protective devices Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 38 Are settings that could result in an unsafe state possible only by means of key, password or tool? Are there incentives that pose stimulus for tampering? Were the operators instructed prior to starting work? Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 39: Regularly By Qualified Persons

    Ä Make certain that there are no people in the danger zone. Ä Before they begin work, train the operators on their respective tasks and provide suitable test objects and an appropriate test instruction. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 40: Checklist - Periodically By The Operator

    – are the obviously dangerous machine parts stopped with- out noticeable delay? Protective device with presence detection: the protective field is interrupted with the test object – does this prevent operation of the obviously dangerous machine parts? Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 41: Maintenance

    Ä Clean the safety sensor periodically depending on the degree of contamination. NOTICE Prevent electrostatic charging of the front screens! Ä To clean the front screens of transmitter and receiver, use only damp cloths. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 42: Troubleshooting

    Ä Analyze and eliminate the cause of the fault using the following table. Ä If you are unable to rectify the fault, contact the Leuze electronic branch responsible for you or call the Leuze electronic customer service (see chapter 13 "Service and support").
  • Page 43: Disposal

    Disposal Disposal Ä For disposal observe the applicable national regulations regarding electronic components. Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 44: Service And Support

    Service and support Service and support 24-hour on-call service at: +49 7021 573-0 Service hotline: +49 7021 573-123 E-mail: service.protect@leuze.de Return address for repairs: Servicecenter Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG In der Braike 1 D-73277 Owen/Germany Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 45: Technical Data

    10 - 55 Hz in acc. with EN IEC 60068-2-6; 0.35 mm amplitude Shock resistance 100 m/s acceleration, 16 ms acc. to EN IEC 60068-2-6 Profile cross section 29 mm x 35.4 mm Dimensions see chapter 14.2 "Dimensions, weight, response time" Weight see chapter 14.2 "Dimensions, weight, response time" Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 46 Parameter P0 Restart delay time after beam interruption P0=0 ® 100 ms P0=1 ® 500 ms Parameter P1 Error message output P1=1 ® no interference P1=0 ® interference, e.g. caused by soiling, or peripheral error Tab. 14.6: Patents US patents US 6,418,546 B Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 47: Dimensions, Weight, Response Time

    Dimensions, weight and response time are dependent on • the resolution • the length L = 340 Fig. 14.1: Dimensions of Host transmitter and Host receiver L = 340 L = 340 output input Fig. 14.2: Dimensions of Middle Guest transmitter and Middle Guest receiver Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 48 Dimensions (nominal protective field height), weight and response time for Host devices Device type Host transmitter and Host receiver Host receiver Dimensions [mm] Weight [kg] Response time [ms] acc. to resolution Type 14 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm 90 mm MLC…-300 0.53 MLC…-450 0.68 MLC…-600 0.83 MLC…-750 0.98 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 49 Response time [ms] acc. to resolution Type 14 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm 90 mm MLC…-300 0.43 MLC…-450 0.58 MLC…-600 0.72 MLC…-750 0.87 MLC…-900 1.02 MLC…-1050 1050 1064 1.17 MLC…-1200 1200 1214 1.32 MLC…-1350 1350 1364 1.47 MLC…-1500 1500 1514 1.62 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 50 The number of beams for a Host–Guest or Host–Middle Guest guest system is determined by adding the number of beams of the individual devices. NOTICE The total number of beams for a Host–Guest or Host–Middle Guest guest system must not ex- ceed the value 400! Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 51: Dimensional Drawings: Accessories

    Technical data 14.3 Dimensional drawings: Accessories Fig. 14.4: BT-L mounting bracket 12.1 10.8 Fig. 14.5: BT-Z parallel bracket Ø 6,2 Ø 6,2 Ø Ø Ø Ø Fig. 14.6: Swivel mount BT-2HF Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 52 Technical data 20,5 Ø 5,3 (2x) Ø 5,3 (2x) Fig. 14.7: Swiveling mounting bracket BT-2SB10 6° 6° Fig. 14.8: Connection bracket for L-shape or U-shape Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 53: Ordering Information And Accessories

    Part descriptions, examples Examples for part desig- Properties nation MLC500T14-600H/A Type 4 Host transmitter, PL e, SIL 3, resolution 14 mm, protective field height 600 mm, with AS-i MLC500T30-900MG Type 4 Middle Guest transmitter, PL e, SIL 3, resolution 30 mm, protective field height 900 mm Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 54 68022303 68022403 68022104 68022204 68022304 68022404 68022904 68022106 68022206 68022306 68022406 68022906 68022107 68022207 68022307 68022407 68022907 68022109 68022209 68022309 68022409 68022909 1050 68022110 68022210 68022310 68022410 68022910 1200 68022112 68022212 68022312 68022412 68022912 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 55 68017210 68017310 68017410 68017910 1200 68017112 68017212 68017312 68017412 68017912 1350 68017113 68017213 68017313 68017413 68017913 1500 68017115 68017215 68017315 68017415 68017915 1650 68017116 68017216 68017316 68017416 68017916 1800 68017118 68017218 68017318 68017418 68017918 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 56 68021210 68021310 68021410 68021910 1200 68021112 68021212 68021312 68021412 68021912 1350 68021113 68021213 68021313 68021413 68021913 1500 68021115 68021215 68021315 68021415 68021915 1650 68021116 68021216 68021316 68021416 68021916 1800 68021118 68021218 68021318 68021418 68021918 Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 57 Protective screen, length 898 mm 347077 MLC-PS1050 Protective screen, length 1048 mm 347078 MLC-PS1200 Protective screen, length 1198 mm 347079 MLC-PS1350 Protective screen, length 1348 mm 347080 MLC-PS1500 Protective screen, length 1498 mm 347081 MLC-PS1650 Protective screen, length 1648 mm Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 58 429039 MLC-3PSF Mounting device for MLC protective screen, 3 x Laser alignment aids 560020 LA-78U External laser alignment aid 520101 AC-ALM-M Alignment aid Test rods 349945 AC-TR14/30 Test rod 14/30 mm 349939 AC-TR20/40 Test rod 20/40 mm Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...
  • Page 59: Ec Declaration Of Conformity

    EC Declaration of Conformity EC Declaration of Conformity Leuze electronic MLC 510 AS-i Host/Guest...

Table of Contents