Star Micronics FR-10 User Manual page 2

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Sdf Declaration
Radio intcrfcrcnceregardingthis equipment has bear eliminated according to Vfg 1046/1984 ar-
nounced by the DBP.
DBP has been infosmedof the introductionof his specialquipment andhas been grantedthe rightso
the whole series.
It is the user's responsibilityto see thathis own assembledsystem is in mmr&nee with the technical
regulationsunderVfg 104( Y1984.
To conformto FTZ-regulations it is ncccssaryto makeailcmmectionstothepMkr with shieldedcable.
The equipmentmay only be opened by qualif]edservice representatives,
The obovc stafensanfapplies only foprinters mrkted
in WestGermany,
Trademark Acknowlcdgcmcnta
FR-10, FR-15, ND-10/15, NR-10/15: StarMicrcnics Co., Ud.
IBM PC, PC-AT, PC-XT, Proprinter, Proprhster II, PC.DOS: International B usiness Machines
MicroaofI BASIC, MS-DOS: Microsoft Corporatiar
EX-800, EX-1OOO, EX-~
FX-286+XSeiko Epson Cap.
WordStar: MicsQPmfntemationalCorporation
All rights reserved.Reproductionof any partof this manualin any form wharmeverwithout
mrissionis forbidden.
'llrecontems of
Mmanualare subjcztto change wilhout notice
Aif effortshave been made to ensurethe accumc of the contentsof tis manualat the time of
press. IIowever,should any errorsbe &tected, S AR worddgreatlyappreciatebeing informed
of them.
The above n~witistanding, STAR can assumeno rcspcmsibiiity for any errorsin this manual.
(3 Copyright1989Sbr MicronicsCo., Ltd.


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