Star Micronics 8 Series Applications Manual page 99

Star micronics laser printer applications manual
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Defining rule or pattern dimensions
Definingthedimensionsoftheareayouwantto filljust meansindicatingthe
horizontalandverticalsizeof thepattern,or therule'slengthandthickness.
You can indicatedimensionsin eitherdotsor decipoints(tenthsof a point).
At 300dotsor720 decipointsto the inch,decipointmeasurementsarcmom
accurate. The printer converts decipointvalues into dots, using 2.4 de-
cipoints to the dot. It rounds up fractions to the next integer. So 1225
decipointswouldworkoutto 510.4dots,andthepnntcrroundsthisupto511
Yourdimensioncommandsspecifyan area to the rightand down from the
currentprintposition.If youdefinean arealargerthanthepage,yourprinter
willacceptthecommand.It will,however,cutoff yourpattcmor ruleat the
boundariesof the page'sprintablearea.
Whenthe printer finishesits print "map"of your rule or pattern,the print
position automaticallyreturns to the spot from which you started. That
means,for instance,that you can make a lightlyshadedrcctanglcand then
startprintingtext rightoverit. Thiskindof boxcan be usefulfor settingoff
particularinformationfrom the main body of your text.
Horizontally,you can specifythe rule length or horizontalpattern size in
dots with this command:
cESC> *c n A
in whichfor n you enter howmany dots acrossthe page you want the rule
or patternto be.
Alternatively,to specify the horizontaldimensionfor a rule or pattcm in
decipoints,you can print this command:
*C n
in which n is the horizontalrule,or patternsize in decipoints.
Vertically,youcan indicatethe sizeof yourruleor patternin dotswith this
*C n
in whichn isthenumberofdotsdefiningthethicknessof thendc orthc depth
of the pattern.


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This manual is also suitable for:

Laserprinter 8 series

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