Star Micronics 8 Series Applications Manual page 103

Star micronics laser printer applications manual
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define yourself, that does tic work of a whole long scnes of pnntcr
commands.Any LaserJet11emulationcommandcan go into a macro.
Puttingmacrostogetherto automaticallyrepeatsequencesof tasks is like
usinga real programmingIanguagc.YourStarMicronicsdealermay know
of some prc-writtenmacros already availablefor the Star LaserPnntcr 8.
You'll find macrosespeciallyhandy for creatingletterheadsand business
forms, and also for settingtabs, subscriptsand superscripts.
Yourpnntcrcanstoreupto 32macroswithouttheoptionalRAMexpansion.
To manage printer memory you can make a macro either temporary (it
you turn off the printer).
You assign each macro an ID number when you first define it. Usc this
SpecifyMacroIDcommandto specify(in placeof n) the ID numberof lhc
macro to whichyou wish to refer:
<ESC>&f n Y
For examplesay you wantto deletea macronumbered80.You wouldfirsl
selectthatmacrowiththecommand<ESC>&f80Y. Thenyouwoulddelete
it with the Macro Controlcommand<ESC>&f 8X as dcscnbcd below.
Macro Control
The Macro Control command pcrforrns several jobs for you, such as
defining,running and deletingmacros.To manage macros you send the
<ESC>&f n X
For n you entera numberfromO(zero)to 10to specifywhatmacrocontrol
functionyouwantto pcrforrn. T hesefunctionsaredescribedinthefollowing
O(zero) Start defining macro. Creates a new macro with the last
spccificdmacro number,This macro will bc tcmporary;to
make it permanent use <ESC> &f 10X after your
definition.Theprinter will make a macro of the scqucnccof
commandsthat followthis one, untilit gets the commandto
stop definingthe macro.


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This manual is also suitable for:

Laserprinter 8 series

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