Star Micronics 8 Series Applications Manual page 77

Star micronics laser printer applications manual
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Also, note that Autowrapdoesn'tmove the wholeword down to the next
line—that's a job for a wordprocessor,not yourlaser printer.
Pushing and popping the print position
This providesa wonderfulwayto keep trackof the works
by lettingyoukeep a list of up to 20 print positions.
You can "push"the currentprintpositionontothe top of the list whenever
youwant.Later,youcan"pop"off whateverpositionis at thetop of thelist,
makingit the currentprintposition.
When would you want to save and restore print positions this way?
Wheneveryouneedto interruptwhatyou'reprintingnowto sticksomething
specialonto thepage.This is mosthandywhenyouneedtojump fromtext
to graphicsand back.
Say you'vewrittenone routinethatputsthepagenumberin the sameplace
on .evcry page, and another that under certain circumstancesprints two
heavyIincs.You printmcrnly alonguntil you have to print the lines. You
then push the currentprint positionto executethe line-printingroutine.
But part way throughthat you hit the page-numberspot. So you push the
printpositionagainandrunthepage-numberroutine.Then youcan popthe
printpositiontoprintthesecondline.Andwhenthat'sdoneyoupopit again
to returnto printingtext.
As you might suspect,this can involvefairly complicatedprogramming,
typicallyusingthe macro commandsdescribedlater in this chapter.
To push or pop a printpositionyou send this command:
<ESC>&f n S
For n you enter Oto push (save)the currentprint position,
or 1 to pop (restore)the last positionsavedoff the list.
The last positionpushed onto the list will alwaysbe the first onc
poppedback later.


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This manual is also suitable for:

Laserprinter 8 series

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