Star Micronics 8 Series Applications Manual page 116

Star micronics laser printer applications manual
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Tocompletethecommand,forn2 youenterthenumberoffullgroupsof256
increments you want to move. And for n] you enter the number of
incrementsleft over.
Confused?Here's an example.This command:
moves14+ (256x 1)=270 incrementsfromtheleftmargin.Thatworksout
to 270/60inches,whichis four and a half inches.
Moving horizontally from the current position
The otherhorizontalmovecommand,whichmovesaway fromthe current
printposition,comesin smallerincrementsof 1/120 inch.Tomovethisway,
firstdecidewhetheryouwantto moverightor left,and'byhowmany 1/120
inch increments.Then send this command:
<ESC>\ nl n2
To move right, n] + (n2 x 256) must equal the numberof incrementsyou
wantto move.For example,to move righttwo and a half inches(300/120
inches)you send this command:
<ESC>\ 44 1
because44+ (1 x 256)= 300.
To move left is a little trickier.You first subtractyour desirednumberof
increments from 65536 (which is 256 x 256). Then you usc the same
formula:nl + (n2 x 256)mustequalthat nxultingnumber.So to moveleft
three (360/120)inchesyou send this command:
<ESC>\ 152 254
That commandmovesthe print positionleft three inchesbccausc
= 65176
= 152+ (254
Horizontal tabs
Whenyou use horizontaltabsyou first may haveto set the tab stops(up to
64of thcm).Itdependson whetheror notyouwantto usethedefault,which
is a tab stopeveryeightcolumns.Columnwidthdependson the horizontal
spacingbeingusedwhenyougivethiscommand.If youchangepitchlater,
that won'taffecttabs.


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This manual is also suitable for:

Laserprinter 8 series

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