Vdc; Aux Rx; Xvrt Key; Xvrt Rf - Ten-Tec Orion 565 Manual

Table of Contents


shielded cables (consult the operator's
manual of your non-Ten-Tec QSK amp for
the proper loop information).
To use the full break-in keying loop, it must
be enabled from the MENUS. The keying
loop is turned on and off via the TX
submenu in the MENUS. Note: If the loop is
turned on, and no connections are made it
will prevent the ORION from transmitting.
See Chapter 4 for a complete description on
interfacing a linear to the ORION.
TX EN can also act as a transmit inhibit
input if it is desirable to prevent ORION from
transmitting until other station accessories
have been switched. Example: The last
item keyed from a sequencer used for VHF
transverter operation. To use the loop in
this manner, turn the keying loop on in the
MENUS. Connect the inhibit line to the TX
EN jack. The ORION will not transmit until
a closure to ground appears at the TX EN

(70) +13.8 VDC

This jack provides +13.8 Vdc for connection
of accessory equipment. A maximum of 2
amps current draw is possible. The jack is
equipped with a thermal shut-off, autoreset 2
ampere fuse. The jack has voltage present
only when transceiver power is turned on.

(71) AUX RX

This RCA-style phono connector is for
connection of a receive only antenna. This
antenna can be used to transceive with
either ANT 1 or ANT 2 being used as the
transmit antenna, merely by selecting the
appropriate button on the front panel (see
description of buttons 2 through 7 on the
front of the radio).
(72) XVRT KEY and (73) XVTR RF
XVRT KEY is transmit keyline for external
transverter. Connect this jack to the keyline
of your transverter unit. The capabilities and
precautions for this circuit are the same as
for the AMP 1 KEY circuit described above.
XVTR RF provides a low-level TX RF output
for external transverter. The RF output level
is ALC-controlled at approximately +15 dBm
- this is adjustable from +5 to +15 dBm by
using the PWR and MULTI control when the
transverter output has been activated in the
565 manual
Part #74279
Printed in USA
MENUS. Both transverter support
connections are activated via the TX menu.
See chapter 4 for complete information and
diagrams on connecting a VHF or UHF
transverter to ORION.


This is a fixed audio level output at
approximately 1 volt at 600 ohms
impedance. It can be used for either the
main receiver or the sub receiver under
these circumstances: For the main receiver,
when the sub receiver volume is turned all
the way down (using the SUB AF encoder).
For the sub receiver, when the main receiver
volume is turned all the way down (using the
SUB AF encoder). If both volume controls
for the two receivers are in use – it is a
combination of both, but is no longer a fixed
value of 1 volt. The line output will vary
according to where the two AF controls are
set. Please note there are also line level
outputs for left and right side receiver audio,
as determined by the AUDIO menu,
available on the AUX I/O connector on the
rear panel.

(75) SPARE

This is an open jack provided for future use
or for custom modifications made by the
(76) BAND DATA 1 and

(77) BAND DATA 2

These are 15-pin receptacles used for
switching accessory devices. BAND DATA
1 corresponds to ANT 1 and AMP KEY 1 or
corresponds to ANT 2 and AMP KEY 2 or
TX OUT / TX EN 2. They contain open-
collector active-low lines for 5 to 13-volt
control of amplifiers and other devices to be
switched by amateur band selection. The
external load should not apply more than
+13.8V (output inactive) nor should it draw
more than 250 mA (output active).
BAND DATA 1 and BAND DATA 2 outputs
are controlled by the ORION transmit
September 2003


Table of Contents

Table of Contents