Main Af Encoder; Sub Af Encoder; Rit/Xit Encoder; Main Tuning Knob "A - Ten-Tec Orion 565 Manual

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move one edge of the filter at a time towards
or away from the center of the passband.
This can be especially useful for rejecting
adjacent frequency interference. The HI / LO
CUT control changes its function between HI
CUT and LO CUT when the operator briefly
pushes the knob toward the panel. LED
indicators show which function the knob is
performing at any time. The independent HI
CUT and LO CUT settings each receiver
appear on the screen – you will see the BW
and PBT values scroll as the knob is turned.
Pushing and holding in the HI CUT / LO
CUT knob for two seconds will zero out the
CUT setting.
See Figure 2-15 for examples of HI CUT
and LO CUT operation.
Figure 2-15 HI CUT and LO CUT effects on
the passband.


The MAIN AF encoder is used to control
main receiver volume output through the
speaker and headphones. Turn to adjust.
There is a bargraph display on the screen
that shows setting of MAIN AF, just above
the BW, PBT, RIT, XIT values that are
shown stacked on the left side of the screen.
The MAIN AF receiver gain can be muted by
pushing the encoder. When muted, the top
half of the bargraph display on the screen
will disappear to tell the operator it is in
mute. Turning the encoder knob un-mutes
and restores MAIN AF at the last value used
before it was muted.


The SUB AF encoder is used to control sub
receiver volume output through the speaker
and headphones. Turn to adjust. There is a
bargraph display on the screen that shows
setting of MAIN AF, just above the BW,
PBT, RIT, XIT values that are shown
stacked on the left side of the screen.
565 manual
Part #74279
Printed in USA
The SUB AF receiver gain can be muted by
pushing the encoder. When muted, the top
half of the bargraph display on the screen
will disappear to tell the operator it is in
mute. Turning the encoder knob un-mutes
and restores SUB AF at the last value used
before it was muted.


RIT (receive incremental tuning) is available
to be set independently on each receiver
depending on which of buttons 55 and 56
are selected. Press the RIT button (48) to
activate. Turn the RIT knob to adjust in the
range of +/- 10 kHz.
XIT (transmit incremental tuning) is available
on the transmitter, in the range of +/- 10
kHz. Press the XIT button (53) to activate
and de-activate. An annunciator on the left
side of the screen will indicate XIT value.
To quickly clear RIT and/or XIT, press the
RIT/XIT encoder knob. Values will
automatically be reset to zero.


The large tuning knob closest to the screen
is for operation of VFO A. The large tuning
knob to the far right of the transceiver is for
operation of VFO B.
(48) RIT and (53) XIT
The RIT and XIT buttons are for turning the
RIT and XIT controls on and off. See the
description of RIT and XIT operation listed
under (46) above.
(49) and (52) VFO A>M and VFO B>M
The VFO A>M and VFO B>M buttons are
used for storing frequencies on either VFO
into the memory system.
To store a frequency from VFO A to
memory, press VFO A>M. A submenu titled
MEMORY STORE will appear at the bottom
of the screen. Turn the MULTI knob to scroll
through the available memory locations.
There are 200 available memories.
At the bottom of the screen there are four
choices available: EXIT, VFO A>M, VFO
B>M, DELETE. Press one of the four
buttons below the four choices to select.
VFO A>M stores the frequency and mode
from VFO A to a selected memory channel.
September 2003


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