KDK 30BGCH Installation And Operating Instructions Manual page 25

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Cleaning the louver:
1. To prevent color change and accelerated aging of the panel, do not use any type of diluent,
alkaline cleaner, benzene, alcohol, antiseptic, or steel ball as shown below.
2. To use a chemical cloth, clean this product by
following the instructions.
如使用 化 學 抹 布 , 請 遵照 其使 用指 示 來清 潔本 產品。
Cleaning the filter:
1. Do not wash the filter with water, because water may destroy the anti-microbial
performance of the filter; do not use a wire brush or any other hard tool to clean the filter,
lest the filter would be damaged.
不可 用 水 洗 , 因 為 水會 破壞 過濾 網的 抗菌 性能 ;不可用鋼絲刷或其他硬質的工具來清潔以免損壞過濾網。
2. When the filter cleaning indicator at the receiving part of the main body blinks, it is time to
clean the filter. You need to clean the filter. (When the accumulated running duration
reaches 2,200 hours (continuous running about three months), the filter cleaning indicator
will blink.)
當機 體 接 收 部 的 過 濾 網清 潔指 示燈 閃爍 時 ,表 示已達到清潔過濾網的時間,請清潔過濾網。
(當運 轉 時 間 累 計 達 到2200小時(約 連續 運轉3個月),清潔指示燈就會閃爍。)
Cleaning the louver assembly and filter
Shut off the all-pole switch.
斷開 " 電源全 極 開關" 。
Wipe the front panel with a soft cloth.
用軟布 擦 拭前面 板及面 板 底座。
Remove the filter from the louver assembly.
將 過濾網 從 面板 組 合中取 出 。
Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from
the filter.
用 吸 塵機清 除 過濾網 上 的灰 塵 。
Reinstall the filter assembly.
重新 安 裝過濾 網 組合。
Turn on the all-pole switch.
開 啟"電 源 全極開 關 "。
Cleaning Precautions
清 潔注意 事 項
維 護 方 法

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