Network Performance Summary; Page I/O - Sybase 12.5.1 User Manual

Historical server
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Network performance summary

Page I/O

User's Guide
"Net Packets Received", "Rate for Sample",
"Net Bytes Sent", "Value for Sample",
"Net Bytes Received", "Value for Sample",
"Net Bytes Sent", "Rate for Sample",
"Net Bytes Received", "Rate for Sample"
This view represents the rate of Adaptive Server activity over all its network
connections during the most recent sample interval. It shows the number of
bytes per second that were received by and sent by the Adaptive Server during
the interval.
hs_create_view network_perf_sum,
"Net Bytes Received", "Rate for Sample",
"Net Bytes Sent", "Rate for Sample"
This view enables you to determine which tables experienced the highest
number of page reads over the duration of the recording session. It also allows
you to track activity against tables at different times of day because page reads
are also accumulated on a per-sample basis. You can set the sample interval for
the recording session to whatever granularity is most useful for establishing
activity trends at different times of day.
You may want to accumulate only total page reads for the entire recording
session. In that case, you can set the sample interval to nearly the length of the
recording session, and drop "Logical Page Reads", "Value for Sample" from
the view.
hs_create_view page_ios,
"Database ID", "Value for Sample",
"Database Name", "Value for Sample",
"Object ID", "Rate for Sample",
"Logical Page Reads", "Value for Sample",
Examples of Recording Session Views


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