Revision Information - YOKOGAWA PH8EHP User Manual

Ph sensor for high purity water
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Revision Information

: Model PH8EHP pH Sensor for High Purity Water
Manual No.
: IM 12B7J2-01E
Nov. 2018/11th Edition Added FLXA402
P i, P1-2.
Aug. 2015/10th Edition Added FLXA202, Unification ot the material name
P i, P1-1, P1-2.
Aug. 2015/9th Edition
Page ii to iii Added a postscript about Compliance with the simple apparatus requirements.
Jun. 2013/8th Edition
P 1-1 Some revision of Sec. 1.1 Standard Specifications; P 2-1 to 2-2 Some revision of Sec. 2.1.1 and
2.1.2 (addition of the cap to keep the glass electrode wet); P 2-5 to 2-6 Addition of caution to screw the
liquid junction; P 3-2 to 3-3 Deletion of Sec. 3.2.1 (how to keep the glass electrode wet moved to Sec.
2.1.2) and following section no. and page layout changed.
Jul. 2011/7th Edition
P i, Reference manual number of FLXA21 added.
P 1-2, M4 ring terminals for FLXA21 added to MS-code.
P 1-4, M4 ring terminals added to external dimensions.
CMPL 12B05J02-01E revised to 6th edition (Note for 500 ml KCl tank modified).
Mar. 2010/6th Edition
P3-1 to 3-2, Section 3.2.1 has been changed to "Advance Preparation", and section order change as
following. "3.2.2 Calibrating pH Sensor Using Buffer Solutions", "3.2.3 Replenishment of KCl Solution",
"3.2.4 Cleaning Glass Electrode and Liquid Junction". Some of Section 3.3.1 "Replacing Glass
Electrode" modified;
P3-4, Changing page of Section 3.3.2 "Replacing Liquid Junction."
Apr. 2008/5th Edition
M3 ring terminals added for PH450G, CMPL12B05J02-01E revised to 5th edition.
Oct. 2006/4th Edition
Caution for KCl solution leakage of reserve tank added to 2.2.4 Installing the sensor.
Jul. 2006/3rd Edition
All over revised.
Feb. 1993/2nd Edition
Some error corrected.
Dec. 1983/1st Edition
Newly published.
Page layout changed by InDesign
IM 12B7J2-01E


Table of Contents

Table of Contents