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Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual page 36

15.6” industrial fanless multi-touch panel pc with atom d2550 1.86ghz processor


The Bo ot menu a llows u sers to cha nge boo t o ptions of t he syst em.
Use this item to set numb er o f se con ds to wait for setup activation ke y.
Use this ite m t o select th e p ower-on state for the Num Lock.. The optional settings a re: [On];
If Upo n R equest is selected, GA20 ca n be disab led usin g BIOS se rvices. If Always is se lected ,
disa bling G2 0 is not allowe d; this option is usefu l when any RT code is e xecute d a bove 1 MB.
Se t display mo de for option ROM. Configuration options are Force BIOS and Keep Cu rrent.
If th is item is e nabled, this fun ction makes the option ROM to trap Int errup t 1 9.
These are settings for boot priorit y. Spe cify th e boo t device priority seq uence fro m the
available devices.

