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Motorola, Inc. assumes no liability resulting from any omissions in this document, or from the use of the information obtained therein. Motorola reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Motorola to notify any person of such revision or changes.
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Inc. assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. The safety precautions listed below represent warnings of certain dangers of which Motorola is aware. You, as the user of the product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
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The computer programs stored in the read only memories of this device contain material copyrighted by Motorola, Inc., Þrst published 1988, and may be used only under a license such as the License for Computer Programs (Article 14) contained in MotorolaÕs Terms and conditions of Sale, Rev.
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MVME712-10 Transition Module. The MVME712-10 is used as the interface between MotorolaÕs MVME166 Single Board Computers and their peripheral devices. This manual is intended for anyone who wants to design OEM systems, supply additional capability to an existing compatible system, or in a lab environment for experimental purposes.
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Related Documentation The Motorola publications listed in the table below are referenced in this document. If not shipped with this product, manuals may be purchased by contacting your local Motorola sales ofÞce. Motorola Document Title Publication Number MVME166 Single Board Computer UserÕs Manual MVME166/D MVME166/MVME167/MVME187 ProgrammerÕs...
Cooling Requirements 1-3 FCC Compliance 1-3 General Description 1-4 Cables Required 1-4 Introduction 2-1 Unpacking Instructions 2-1 MVME712-10 Module Preparation 2-1 Serial Port ConÞguration 2-3 Serial Port DCE Configuration 2-3 Serial Port DTE Configuration 2-3 Configuration Register 2-3 Installation Instructions 2-8...
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List of Figures MVME712-10 Transition Module with MVME166 1-5 MVME712-10 Connector Locations 2-2 MVME712-10 Serial Port ConÞgured as DCE (to Terminal) 2-5 MVME712-10 Serial Port ConÞgured as DTE (to Modem) 2-6 MVME712-10 ConÞguration Register 2-7 Typical MVME712-10 Installation at Front of Chassis 2-10...
This manual provides general information, hardware preparation, installation instructions, and support information for the MVME712-10 Transition Module. The MVME712-10 is used as the interface between MotorolaÕs MVME166 Single Board Computer VMEmodule and its peripheral devices. Features The features of the MVME712-10 Transition Module include:...
FCC Compliance The MVME712-10 transition board was tested in an FCC-compliant chassis, and meets the requirements for Class A equipment. FCC compliance was achieved under the following conditions: Shielded cables on all external I/O ports.
Clear to send Data terminal ready Cables Required The following cables are needed in order to connect the MVME712-10 to the MVME166 and other devices: One 100-conductor, 25 mil pitch cable to connect the MVME712-10 to the MVME166 for I/O (a 1-foot-long cable is furnished by Motorola).
MVME712-10 Module Preparation The location of the connectors on the MVME712-10 is illustrated in Figure 2-1. The module has been factory tested and is configured for DTE, but can be operated as DCE with an appropriate external adapter if desired. The...
Hardware Preparation and Installation MVME 712-10 MOTOROLA COMPONENTS REMOVED FOR CLARITY Figure 2-1. MVME712-10 Connector Locations MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
Configuration Register Figure 2-4 illustrates the function of the configuration register on the MVME712-10. The application software on the MVME166 can read the configuration information to identify the transition board(s) in the system. On the MVME166, the MC68230 interrupt level is the same as the CD2401. The interrupt vector is as programmed in the MC68230.
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Port A Bits 7 to 4 EIA-232 DCE MVME712-06 EIA-232 DTE MVME712-06 Reserved EIA-232 RJ45 DTE MVME712-10 Reserved Refer to the MVME166/MVME167/MVME187 Single Board Computer ProgrammerÕs Reference Manual for more information. MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
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MVME712-10 Module Preparation Figure 2-2. MVME712-10 Serial Port Configured as DCE (to Terminal) MVME712-10/D1...
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Hardware Preparation and Installation Figure 2-3. MVME712-10 Serial Port Configured as DTE (to Modem) MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
MVME712-10 Module Installation The MVME712-10 can be installed either in the front of the chassis or at the rear, and can be cabled to the MVME166 and to SCSI peripherals in different configurations.
Figure 2-5. Connect the furnished 100-conductor I/O cable to connector J9 on the MVME712-10. Install the MVME712-10 in a slot to the right of the MVME166 and tighten the screws. Connect the I/O cable to connector J9 on the MVME166.
MVME166 must have a terminator enabled. SCSI TERMINATOR ENABLED EXTERNAL SCSI DEVICE SCSI TERMINATOR INSTALLED 1143 9303 Figure 2-5. Typical MVME712-10 Installation at Front of Chassis 2-10 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
Connect the furnished P cable from connector J6 on the MVME712-10 to connector J8 on the front of the MVME166. If the P cable at J6 on the MVME712-10 covers connector J5, connect a user- supplied cable with compatible pinouts from connector J7 on the MVME712-10 to the internal SCSI device.
MVME166 must have a terminator enabled. No terminator would be required on the MVME712-10. Figure 2-6. Typical MVME712-10 Installation at Front of Chassis 2-12 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
J8 on the front of the MVME166. A longer cable may be needed for some chassis conÞgurations. If the P cable at J6 on the MVME712-10 covers connector J5, connect a user- supplied cable with compatible pinouts from connector J7 on the MVME712-10 to the internal SCSI device.
MVME166 must have a terminator enabled. No terminator would be required on the MVME712-10. Figure 2-7. Typical MVME712-10 Installation at Rear of Chassis 2-14 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
Interconnect Signals 80-pin connectors J1 through J4 on the MVME712-10 correspond to the RJ45 EIA-232-D serial ports on the MVME712-10 front panel. J5 and J7 are identical 50-pin connectors for low-density 8-bit-wide SCSI cable...
RTS after a time delay. DATA TERMINAL READY (serial port 1) - A sig- nal from the terminal to the modem indicating that the terminal is ready to send or receive data. MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
SCSI26, SCSI interconnect lines. SCSI27 GROUND - This ground isolated from rest of board for SCSI only. 32-48 SCSI28- SCSI interconnect lines. SCSI44 GROUND - This ground isolated from rest of board for SCSI only. SCSI45 SCSI interconnect lines. MVME712-10/D1...
GROUND - This ground isolated from rest of board for SCSI only. 42-58 SCSI28- SCSI interconnect lines. SCSI44 GROUND - This ground isolated from rest of board for SCSI only. SCSI45 SCSI interconnect lines. 61-68 Not connected. MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
Interconnect Signals Printer/Parallel Connector J8 Connector J8 is the Printer/Parallel port on the MVME712-10. Each pin connection, signal mnemonic, and signal characteristic for the connector is listed in Table 3-4. Table 3-4: Printer/Parallel Connector J8 Interconnect Signals Signal Pin Number...
Support Information I/O Connector J9 Connector J9 on the MVME712-10 is used to cable to the MVME166. Each pin connection, signal mnemonic, and signal characteristic for the connector is listed in Table 3-5. Table 3-5: I/O Connector J9 Interconnect Signals...
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RECEIVE CLOCK OUT (serial port 1) - this line can be conÞgured to clock input data from a ter- minal to a modem. GROUND SRXD1 RECEIVE DATA (serial port 1) - data that is demodulated from the receive line is presented to the terminal by the modem. MVME712-10/D1...
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SDTR2B DATA TERMINAL READY (serial port 2) - a sig- nal from the terminal to the modem indicating that the terminal is ready to send or receive data. MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
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RECEIVE CLOCK IN (serial port 2) - this line can be conÞgured to clock input data from a terminal to a modem. GROUND STXD3B TRANSMIT DATA (serial port 3) - data to be transmitted is furnished on this line to the modem from the terminal. MVME712-10/D1...
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GROUND STXCI3 TRANSMIT CLOCK (serial port 3) - this line can be conÞgured to clock output data to the modem from the terminal 3-10 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
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CLEAR TO SEND (serial port 4) - CTS is a func- tion supplied to the terminal by the modem, and indicates that it is permissible to begin transmis- sion of a message. When using a modem, CTS fol- lows the off-to-on transition of RTS after a time delay. MVME712-10/D1 3-11...
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I/O test mode. 93,94 -12V -12 Vdc POWER - fused on MPU board. 95,96 +12VF +12 Vdc POWER - fused on MPU board. 97-100 +5Vdc POWER - fused on MPU board. 3-12 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
Interconnect Signals Ethernet Connector J10 Connector J10 is the Ethernet port on the MVME712-10. Each pin connection, signal mnemonic, and signal characteristic for the connector is listed in Table 3-6. Table 3-6: Ethernet Connector J10 Interconnect Signals Signal Pin Number...
Parts List The components of the MVME712-10 are listed in Table 3-7. The parts locations of the MVME712-10 are shown in Figure 3-1. These parts reflect the latest issue of hardware at the time of printing. Table 3-7: MVME712-10 Module Parts List...
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Parts List Table 3-7: MVME712-10 Module Parts List Reference Motorola Description Designation Part Number R7,R11,R36 51NW9635A13 Resistor, 16-pin, 8-22 ohm R15-R19,R38, 06SW-965A11 Resistor, SMD, 4.7K ohm, 1/8 W, 5% R42-R47,R49, R21,R25,R29, 29NW9814A01 Resistor, 0 ohm U1, U3-U5 51NW9615Z19 IC, MC145406DW, 16-pin SOL package...
Support Information MVME 712-10 C16 + CR25 + C17 CR26 MOTOROLA Figure 3-1. MVME712-10 Parts Location 3-16 MVME712-10 Transition Module and I/O Distribution Set UserÕs Manual...
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