Multi-User Mode Operation - An Example - AEI DK-9523 Programming & Installation Manual

Multi-purpose self-contained digital access control keypad
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The Personal Master Code is a Super User Code to command the outputs. This feature allows the owner
to use only one code to operate several keypads if they are having the same Master Code but different
user codes. Enter the Personal Master Code and validate via
3289 #1
--- Output 1 activates for 1 second
3289 #2
--- Output 2 starts or stops
3289 #3
--- Output 3 starts or stops
The Duress Code does not need to be programmed. The keypad determines it automatically by
increasing the first digit of the User Code 1 of Two units.
For example:
The User Code 1 is "1234", then the Duress Code is "3234"; or the User Code 1 is
"8321", then the Duress Code is "0321".
To command the Duress Function, enter the Duress Code.
----------- Duress output activates (output switches to ( ) ground) & Output 1 activates for 1
The Duress Code has double actions. It activates the Duress Output and at the same time activates the
Output 1 as like the User Code 1. The Duress Code can always activate or deactivate (in Start / Stop
mode) Output 1, but cannot deactivate (reset) the Duress Output. ONLY the User Code 1 can deactivate
(reset) the Duress Output.
The Accelerated Code is the First Two Digits of the User Code. If the Output 1 has been programmed in
Start / Stop mode with Accelerated Code at Location 42, it is possible to activate the Output 1 with only
the First Two Digits of the User Code. Deactivating of the Output 1 always requires the composition of
the Complete User Code 1.
Output 1 has been re-programmed to Start / Stop Mode with Accelerated Code (Location: 42)
with the Complete Code of:
83 #
Output 1 starts
Output 1 stops
Try to put some random false codes to the keypad to test its Safety. The keypad considers 4 digits as
one code and it generates 5 beeps for each unsuccessful code entry. The keypad locks itself during 15
minutes after 10 successive false codes. Normal operation will be resumed after 15 minutes expired, or,
it can be reset with the Master Code during the locking period.
3289 #
------ Locking is reset and keypad resumes normal operation
1) Re uirement
a) Multi-User Mode Operation
b) Change the factory-set Master Code 0000 to a Personal Master Code 3289
c) Set 1st User Code in Group 1 of 8321
d) Set 2nd User Code in Group 1 of 11223
e) Set 3rd User Code in Group 1 of 33221
f ) Set 1st User Code in Group 2 of 6854
g) Set 2nd User Code in Group 2 of 54321
h) Set 1st User Code in Group 3 of 9270
i ) Set Output 1 to Momentary Mode, 1 second
j ) Set Output 2 to Start / Stop Mode
k ) Set Output 3 to Start / Stop Mode
l ) Set the keypad to lock itself during 15 minutes after 10 successive false codes
and the corresponding output number.
The Accelerated Code will be:
2) Programming
-- Set the above requirement into the keypad
0000 *
-------------------- System has been set in programming mode with the factory-set Master Code
8901 #
-------------------- System has been set for Multi User Mode** (please see NOTE (a) below)
0 3289 #
--------------- 3289 has been stored as the new Personal Master Code
1 01 8321 #
------- 8321 has been stored as the 1st User Code in Group 1 with Duress Code function
1 02 11223 #
---- 11223 has been stored as the 2nd User Code in Group 1 with Duress Code function
1 03 33221 #
---- 33221 has been stored as the 3rd User Code in Group 1 with Duress Code function
2 1 6854 #
---------- 6854 has been stored as the 1st User Code in Group 2
2 2 54321 #
------ 54321 has been stored as the 2nd User Code in Group 2
3 1 9270 #
---------- 9270 has been stored as the 1st User Code in Group 3
40 1 #
------------------------Output 1 has been set to Momentary Mode, 1 second
51 #
---------------------------- Output 2 has been set to Start / Stop Mode
61 #
---------------------------- Output 3 has been set to Start / Stop Mode
72 10 #
------------------ The keypad has been set to lock during 15 minutes after 10 successive false
------------------------------------ Keypad exits programming mode. All the above data are stored and ready for
a) **Enter the Multi User Mode Command Code "
already in Multi User Mode.
b) In case of wrong entry during programming, cancel it with
3) Operate The Keypad
-- Taking the data programmed above and other features in default values as reference
To command output 1, enter any one of the User Codes in Group 1 and validate via the
8321 #
------ Output 1 activates for 1 second
11223 #
--- Output 1 activates for 1 second
33221 #
--- Output 1 activates for 1 second
To command output 2, enter any one of the user codes in Group 2 and validate via the
6854 #
------ Output 2 starts or stops
54321 #
--- Output 2 starts or stops
To command output 3, enter any one of the user codes in Group 3 and validate via the
9270 #
------ Output 3 starts or stops
The Personal Master Code is a Super User Code to command the outputs. This feature allows the owner
to use only one code to operate several keypads if they are having the same Master Code but different
user codes. Enter the Personal Master Code and validate via
3289 #1
--- Output 1 activates for 1 second
3289 #2
--- Output 2 starts or stops
3289 #3
--- Output 3 starts or stops
The Duress Codes do not need to be programmed. The keypad determines them automatically by
increasing the first digit of the User Codes in Group 1 of Two units. All the User Codes have Duress
Code Function.
Super User Code
may not be necessary if the keypad was
key, or, wait 10 seconds, then re-try.
and the corresponding output number.


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