Exiting Setup Mode - Decibel Eleven Switch Doctor Operation Manuals

Table of Contents


Fn.1 (Function switch SW1 settings)
The Function Switch 1 settings configure SW1.
Press ► to display the current setting for switch type. Use the + / - switches to select
normally open (N.OP) or normally closed (N.CL). Press ► again to select between
latching (LAT) or momentary (not latching!) (NOT).
Fn.2 (Function switch SW2 settings)
The Function Switch 2 settings configure SW2.
Press ► to display the current setting for switch type. Use the + / - switches to select
normally open (N.OP) or normally closed (N.CL). Press ► again to select between
latching (LAT) or momentary (not latching!) (NOT).
ddr (Data Dump Receive)
For receiving a MIDI data dump of all of the memory (including presets and global
Press the + switch to initialize the receiver. The display will flash In while it waits for
incoming MIDI system exclusive data appropriate for the Switch Doctor. To cancel the
input request, press the ▲ or ▼ switch.
ddt (Data Dump Transmit)
For transmitting a MIDI data dump of all of the memory (including presets and global
Press the + switch to initiate the sending of MIDI sysex data. The display will read Out
while the
LEDs will cycle from right to left to indicate the data is being transmitted.
d.ty (Direct Mode Type) (PRESS AND HOLD ▲ FOR 10 SECONDS TO ACCESS)
For setting the switch access options in Direct Mode
Press the ► switch to indicate the current setting. Default setting is ALL, and formats
Direct Mode into individual "pages" by function. Press the + switch to change to LOC
(local), which formats Direct Mode with LOOPS 1..4 along the bottom row, ▼ = SW1
and ▲= SW2. There is no access to MIDI CC or NOTE messages when set to LOC. The
display will read --- in Direct Mode when set to LOC.


At any time, to exit Setup Mode and save any changes, press the EDIT switch. All LEDs
will flash once, and operation will return to the previously used operating mode.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents