Alcatel-Lucent ALU-Dm 744-I Manual page 23

Dial routing
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Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
connection 2 default
connection 2 destination-address 2222222
connection 2 username oficina2
connection 2 password oficina2
connection 3 default
connection 3 destination-address 3333333
connection 3 username oficina3
connection 3 password oficina3
pool-name RDSI
network dialroute2
; -- DR interface configuration --
no ip address
connection 1 default
connection 1 destination-address 4444444
connection 1 username oficina4
connection 1 password oficina4
connection 2 default
connection 2 destination-address 5555555
connection 2 username oficina5
connection 2 password oficina5
pool-name RTC
; --- end ---
Config> Configuring with multilink PPP
Sometimes occasions arise where you wish to connect to a remote device at a higher speed, using the two B chan-
nels from the ISDN base interface for example. In these cases, the PPP protocol permit various PPP links to be ag-
gregated through a mechanism known as multilink PPP (MP). This facility can be used over any two PPP links. The
most common use is that described above, to join two B channels and achieve a bandwidth of 128 Kbps. However it
is also possible to carry out MP over two modem connections provided that both ends have two modem connections.
It is possible in the given scenario to make use of this mechanism to obtain wider bandwidth connections, however it
is necessary to emphasis various aspects:
• A PPP is going to simultaneously use various channels; therefore the number of simultaneous connections is re-
duced. I.e. if we have two ISDN channels available and multilink can be carried out over them, when this facility is
in use, you cannot access other remote devices.
• The destination telephone numbers must be the same for all the connections that are going to participate in the
same MP link as, in the Dial Routing connections, only one telephone number can be configured.
Various variations can be proposed over the above scenario where multilink use can intervene. The simplest would
be to permit all ISDN destinations for example to execute multilink. In this case you would only need to configure the
involved PPP interfaces so that they can operate with multilink.
Another possible variation is where you only need to access some destinations with multilink. This latter configuration
means you need to create another Dial Routing interface which handles the PPP that can carry out multilink, config-
ure these PPP interfaces to operate with multilink and register the connections with destinations which you wish to
access with multilink in this Dial Routing interface.
Below you can see the configuration process for the first of these scenarios.
Dial Routing
1 Introduction


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