Operating Duty Ratio; Proving Check; Testing For The Presence Of Hazardous Live Voltage - MARTINDALE VI13800 Instruction Manual

Voltage indicator
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For optimum safety, the shrouds should be allowed to spring
forward freely whenever the prod tips are removed from a location
under test.
If desired, and before the unit is connected to any source of
voltage, the shrouds can be locked back by pushing and twisting
The prod tips will be exposed by 3 ± 0.5mm. In this position they
are GS38 compliant.
The probe is sealed and the fuse that was in earlier versions has
been replaced by a non user serviceable resistor to provide
protection if the cable is damaged.

3.3 Operating Duty Ratio

The voltage indicator should be operated (ON) for a maximum
period of 30 seconds. This should be followed by a recovery period
(OFF) of 4 minutes.
The operating duty ratio is 8 to 1, so if the voltage indicator is only
ON for 2 seconds then the OFF period need only be 16 seconds.

3.4 Proving Check

Before and after use, verify the voltage indicator is functioning
correctly with a proving device (PD430 or PD440 is
recommended), or a known good voltage source. Do not use the
voltage indicator if any expected voltage indication LED's (50, 100,
200, 400V) fail to illuminate correctly during proving.
Note: The LED's that illuminate during proving will depend on the
magnitude of the proving device output or the voltage source. For
example if the voltage source is 230V AC rms then all LED's
except the 400V LED must illuminate. If a PD430 or PD440 is
used then all LED's should illuminate.
Illumination of the polarity LED's depends on the type of proving
device used.
Any unexpected display should be investigated and the VI13700/2
not used unless all expected voltage indication lights illuminate.
If the proving device or voltage source exceeds the specified limits
of the voltage indicator the voltage indicator may be damaged and
the operator exposed to a shock hazard. Always check the
specification of the proving device or the voltage magnitude of the
voltage source before proceeding with a proving check.
During this verification emphasis should also be placed upon the
flexing of the voltage indicators cable along its length, and
particularly at the entry points to the hand held elements, to
confirm that the cable has not been fractured.

3.5 Testing for the Presence of Hazardous Live Voltage

Hold the voltage indicator and test prod behind the finger guards
in a manner that will not obscure the voltage indication LED's.
Never touch the exposed metal test prods or any part of the


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