Maintenance; Current Calibration - Red-D-Arc FX360XL Operator's Manual

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Before carrying out service, maintenance and/or
repair jobs, fully disconnect power to the machine.
Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including
safety glasses, dust mask and gloves to avoid
injury. This also applies to persons who enter the
work area.
MOVING PARTS can injure.
• Do not operate with doors open or guards off.
• Stop engine before servicing.
• Keep away from moving parts.
Have qualified personnel do all maintenance and
troubleshooting work.
vIsUal InspeCTIOn
Clean interior of machine with a low pressure air stream. Make a
thorough inspection of all components.
Look for signs of overheating, broken leads or other obvious
problems. Many problems can be uncovered with a good visual
rOUTIne MaInTenanCe
Every six months the machine should be cleaned with a low
pressure air stream. Keeping the machine clean will result in
cooler operation and higher reliability. Be sure to clean the
following areas:
• All printed circuit boards
• Power switch
• Main transformer
• Input rectifier
• Heatsink fins
• Auxiliary Transformer
• Fans (Blow air through the rear louvers)
Examine the sheet metal case for dents or breakage. Repair the
case as required. Keep the case in good condition to ensure that
high voltage parts are protected and correct spacing is maintained
throughout. All external sheet metal screws must be in place to
ensure case strength and electrical ground continuity.
If for any reason you do not understand the procedures or are unable to perform the maintenance or repairs safely, contact your
Lincoln Authorized Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.

CUrrenT CalIBraTIOn

1. Connect the resistive load band and test voltmeter to the
welding output terminals.
2. Put dipswitch 1 in the on position.
3. Rotate the Hot Start knob and Arc Control knob to the
4. Turn on the Red-D-Arc FX360LX.
5. The display should read "Cur CAL".
6. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
7. Adjust the output control knob until the actual output
amperage reading on the test ammeter is
300 amps +/- 2 amps.
8. Toggle the Local/Remote switch to save the calibration.
9. The display should flash "CAL SEt".
10. Rotate the Hot Start knob to the minimum.
11. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
12. Verify amperage reading on the test ammeter is
300 amps +/- 2 amps.
13. Repeat calibration steps starting from step 7 if necessary.
vOlTaGe CalIBraTIOn
1. Connect the resistive load band and test voltmeter to the
welding output terminals.
2. Put dipswitch 1 in the on position.
3. Rotate the Hot Start knob and Arc Control knob to the
4. Turn on the Red-D-Arc FX360LX.
5. The display should read "Cur CAL".
6. Rotate the Arc Control knob until the display reads "VoL CAL".
7. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
8. Adjust the output control knob until the actual output voltage
reading on the test volt meter is 20 volts +/- .5 volts.
9. Toggle the Local/Remote switch to save the calibration.
10. The display should flash "CAL SEt".
11. Rotate the Hot Start knob to the minimum.
12. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
13. Verify voltage reading on the test volt meter is 20volts +/- .5
14. Repeat calibration steps starting from step 8 if necessary.


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