GENERAL RADIO COMPANY 1650-B Instruction Manual page 35

Impendance bridge
Table of Contents


GR's automatic bridge t a k e s about one-half
second to achieve balance.
The Slotted Line
The upper-frequency limit of conventional bridge
circuits using lumped-parameter elements depends on
the magnitude of the residual impedances of the ele-
ments and leads.
The corrections for t h e s e usually
become unmanageable a t frequencies above a few
hundred megahertz,
and circuits based on coaxial-
line techniques are more satisfactory.
One of the b a s i c methods of measuring the im-
pedance of a coaxial device i s the measurement of the
standing-wave ratio i t introduces in a uniform line.
The measurement i s b e s t made by a slotted line, an
instrument consisting of a length of coaxial air line
wlth a longitudinal slot in i t s outer conductor and an
electrostatic probe, which enters the line through the
slot. The probe is moved along the length of the line,
sampling the field inside.
Thus are the magnitudes
and positions of voltage maxima and minima determined
and, from this information, the impedance of a n unknown
connected t o the line. In t h i s instrument the impedance
standard i s the line itself, and i t s accuracy depends
primarily on i t s physical dimensions.
General Radio offers two slotted lines:
t h e
Type 874-LBB, for general impedance measurements,
and the highly accurate Type 900-LB, the most ad-
vanced slotted line available commercially.
The Admittance Meter
T h e GR Type 1602 UHFAdmittance Meter u s e s ad-
justable loops t o sample the currents flowing in three
coaxial lines fed from a common source and terminated,
respectively, in the unknown, a standard conductance,
and a standard susceptance. The loops are adjusted s o
that the combined output from them is zero (a null bal-
ance). S c a l e s associated with the three loops give the
value of the unknown directly, in terms of admittance.
The Transfer-Function and Immittance Bridge
T h e GR Type 1607 Transfer-Function and Immit-
tance Bridge i s similar t o the Admittance Meter de-
scribed above but a l s o permits four-terminal measure-
ments, s u c h a s those of forward and reverse transcon-
ductance and transsusceptance, transimpedance, and
input-output voltage and current ratios.
T h i s bridge
i s widely used t o evaluate the transfer characteristics
of transistors and tubes in the vhf and uhf ranges.
Several GR bridges include both generator and
Some others
the Types 1615, 716-C, and
716-CS1 Capacitance Bridges and the Types 1632 and
1633 Inductance Bridges
are available a s complete
measuring assemblies, with generator, detector, inter-
connecting c a b l e s , relay rack, and other accessories.
Unless one obtains s u c h a complete system, he must
carefully choose generator and detector t o ensure
satisfactory measurement results.
(Even with a com-
plete system, the user may a t times wish t o connect a
different generator or detector t o the bridge, and almost
a l l GR bridges include panel connectors for such use.)
T h e chief generator requirements are good fre-
quency stability, adequate power output, and low
harmonic content.
A wide choice of GR oscillators is
available, covering the frequency range from audio t o
Desirable detector characteristics are;
1. .High sensitivity, preferably the ability to
d e t e c t a few microvolts.
2. High selectivity, to reject harmonics, noise,
and other interfering signals.
T h i s is particularly
important in measurements on iron-core c o i l s and other
nonlinear elements.
3. Logarithmic or nearly logarithmic response,
t o minimize gain adjustment during the balancing
4. Good shielding, t o prevent errors from extran-
e o u s pickup.
At audio frequencies, GR's Type 1232 Tuned
Amplifier and Null Detector is recommended for i t s
high sensitivity and for i t s general versatility in the
lab. The Type 1212 Unit Null Detector is useful up t o
s e v e r a l megahertz.
Crystal mixers are available for
both the detectors, extending their frequency ranges t o
about 6 0 MHz.
At t h e s e and higher frequencies, the
heterodyne type of detector is preferred, because of i t s
wide frequency range and excellent shielding. The GR
Type 1241 Detectors operate from 70 kHz to 2000 MHz.
One of the most popular generator-detector com-
binations, the Type 1311 Audio Oscillator (50 Hz t o
10 kHz) with the Type 1232 Tuned Amplifier and Null
Detector, is available in a single assembly a s the
Type 1240 Generator-Detector Assembly.
Adequate ground connection and shielded genera-
tor and detector leads are always important, but they
are particularly s o a t high frequencies.
At audio and
low radio frequencies, electrostatic shielding of leads
is usually enough; above a few megahertz,
l e a d s , securely grounded to the detector, generator, and
bridge s h i e l d s , are necessary.
GR's patch cords and
c a b l e s (Table 1-1) are recommended for bridge con-


Table of Contents

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