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WARIO ME13 User Manual page 19


Automatic date and time synchronization
Enabling automatic synchronization of date and time from the internet.
Primary NTP server
Configuration of NTP server to be used for date and time synchronization.
NTP port
Configuration of NTP port to be used for date and time synchronization.
Secondary NTP server
Configuration of secondary NTP server to be used for date and time synchronization.
Setting of current date.
Setting of current time.
Use PC time
Enabling time synchronization with the computer time.
Time format
Setting of display time format.
Date format
Setting of display date format.
User guide for IP Weather Station WARIO ME13
Section – System
This section shows some important information about the station.
Serial Number
Weather station serial number.
Weather station model.
Current firmware version installed in the station. If the station is connected to the Internet
a warning sign will appear when newer version is available.
Runtime since last boot up.
DB creation date
Date when the database was created.
Firmware update
Option to update the weather station firmware. Before the actual update it is recommended
to restart the control unit. The firmware file is in fwr format. Configuration of all the sections
and tabs is not changed during firmware update. Always perform the update when
connected via LAN to the local network and make sure the new firmware file is intended
for the particular station model and it is newer than the currently installed one. If additional
information for the user is included with the firmware, carefully read it and follow
the instructions.

