Chevrolet 2000 C-Series Owner's Manual page 155

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Snow can trap exhaust gases under your vehicle.
This can cause deadly CO (carbon monoxide) gas
to get inside. CO could overcome you and kill
you. You can't see it or smell it, so you might not
know it is in your vehicle. Clear away snow from
around the base of your vehicle if any is blocking
your exhaust pipe. And check around again from
time to time to be sure snow doesn't collect there.
Open a window just a little on the side of the
vehicle that's away from the wind. This will help
keep CO out.
Run your engine only as long as you must. This saves
fuel. When you run the engine, make it go a little faster
than just idle. That is, push the accelerator slightly.
This uses less fuel for the heat that you get and it
keeps the battery (or batteries) charged. You will need a
charged battery (or batteries) to restart the vehicle,
and possibly for signaling later on with your headlamps.
Let the heater run for a while.
If you have a diesel engine, you may have to run it at
a higher speed to get enough heat. Then, shut the
engine off and close the window almost all the way to
preserve the heat. Start the engine again and repeat this
only when you feel really uncomfortable from the cold.
But do it as little as possible. Preserve the fuel as long
as you can. To help keep warm, you can get out of the
vehicle and do some fairly vigorous exercises every half
hour or so until help comes.


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