Access For Manoeuvres - Arming/Disarming The Control Panel; Alarm Functions - Nice HSCU1 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Table of Contents


The control panel has 3 intrusion alarm groups which can be armed in
any combination, depending on system configuration and the user's
requirements. There are also 3 other groups, 24H PANIC – 24H ROB-
BERY – 24H TECHNOL., which are always active and have their own
alarms. The technical zones include smoke, flooding, gas and other
hazard detectors.
Caution! 24H PANIC and 24H TECHNOL are not functions that com-
ply with EN50131.
They may be armed/disarmed directly on the control panel, with a
wireless keyboard, or using a remote control. To operate from the con-
trol panel, you must set up delays on the arming and alarms of the
entrance/exit detectors, to prevent false alarms.
• Arming: enter the user code or another authorised code –
the three intrusion groups A B C display. If you wish to arm
them all, press
. If you wish to arm only some of them,
press 1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (C) to exclude the respective group/s
(one or two), which disappear from the display, then press
to arm the remaining groups. All operations are displayed
and confirmed by vocal messages. On the display, the armed
groups flash for the duration of their set delays.
• Disarming: enter a code as above and press
ation is confirmed on the display and by a vocal message.
• New events on arming: if WARNING displays, the system
may only be armed after you have entered the user code and
viewed the event, which displays automatically. If the cause is
not resolved, the control panel will prompt you to force arm-
ing: if you wish to arm the system anyway, press
ceed as above.
• New events on disarming: if WARNING displays, after dis-
arming the system you must review the new event: enter the
USER code and press
Caution! If any detectors are tripped during the arming delay,
arming is denied and this is shown on the display. If there are
non-delayed detectors in the entrance/exit route, wait for the
system to arm before leaving it.
Caution! If any delayed detectors are present (delays from 1
to 45 seconds), tripping them only generates an alarm after
the delay has timed out, so long as the control panels have not
been disarmed in the meantime. If a movement is detected by
a delayed detector and by another, non-delayed detector, the
alarm will be generated immediately, but the phone messages
will only be sent after 30 seconds or, if longer, after the entry
FULL ARMING (vocal message or 3 beeps)
Supplementary keyboards: enter the code then press
Remote controls: press
PARTIAL ARMING (vocal message or one long beep)
Supplementary keyboards: enter the code, exclude
unwanted groups with A, B and C and press
Remote controls: press
solutions, see the remote control instructions)
DISARMING (vocal message or one beep)
Supplementary keyboards: enter the code then press
Remote controls: press
Caution! disarming is always total, unless the remote controls
and keyboards are programmed otherwise – to keep a one or
more groups active, arm them again after full disarming.
Caution! Models with GSM module (HSCU1GC and
HSCU1G): it may be difficult to disarm the system with remote
controls/keyboards during a GSM call in response to an alarm.
Use the control panel's own keyboard to disarm the system.
AVVISO (WARNING): reports can only be reviewed and reset
on the control panel; the remote controls and keyboards can-
not be used for this purpose.
Caution! The control panel controls the keyboards' low bat-
tery status: after 25 signals or 30 days after the first signal, the
devices can no longer be operated if the batteries have not
been replaced.
Caution! AUTOMATIC ARMING: automatic arming, if pro-
grammed by the installer, is heralded by a long beep a minute
before it occurs: any reports are automatically forced.
9.6.3 - COERCED DISARMING: Caution! if you disarm the system
using an UNDER THREAT code (programmed by the installer)
the result is identical, except the phone transmitter calls the
associated users. For conformity with the standard, AVVISO
(WARNING) appears on the display.
9.6.4 - RELAY 1 AUTOMATIC COMMAND: press ESC to access
the clock settings for this command, if used.
. The oper-
and pro-
to arm groups A+B (for other


In case of an alarm, the control panels activate the internal (removable)
siren, the local alarm devices (sirens and other dissuaders) and make
calls on the landline and cellular phone lines, as follows
9.7.1 - Control panel sound signals and alarms (see also
"Phone section")
• Voice guide: Home System control panels speak, and
hence provide uncoded pre-recorded information.
• Pre-alarm: pre-alarm vocal message during the delay, for
delayed detectors.
• General alarm: activates the internal siren and all system
sirens for three minutes.
• Panic alarm in "partial arming" or "disarmed" mode
(uncertified function): activates the HSSO1 and HSSI wire-
less sirens.
• Robbery alarm: silent activation of phone calls as pro-
grammed. The command may also be used to call a doctor
or send out other emergency calls (the proper messages must
be recorded).
• Technological alarm: control panel beeps for 15 seconds
(uncertified function).
• Tampering alarm (disarmed): no report, but only the mes-
sage AVVISO (WARNING) on the display, plus outgoing calls.
• Tampering alarm (partially/fully armed): as per general
Caution! The following must be taken into consideration:
a) In any alarm situation, disarming the system silences the
b) For each period of arming for groups A, B and C, only three
alarms are accepted per detector, to prevent a faulty detec-
tor disturbing the peace. The count starts again every time
the system is armed. Use the "DETECTORS'ISOL." function
(6.2.16) to temporarily deactivate a detector in such cases.
9.7.2 - Two way phone section - phone calls
During the installation process, one records/enters messages
and associates them with the phone numbers to be called in
case of an alarm: for instance, you can map the numbers of
the user, family and friends, or police/emergency forces with
an ALARM. There is no point in mapping the number of the
installer to the event, on the other hand, it is worth map-
ping his number to the "battery low" signal. Phone calls to
the emergency services must be approved by the user, and
are regulated differently from location to location. Depending
on the characteristics of the control panel, the messages are
transmitted by:
PSTN landline: all control panels allow for transmission of
6 vocal messages, mapped to 6 specific events which are
transmitted on the landline to up to 63 users, whose numbers
have been entered in the contacts list.
GSM cellular network: models HSCU1GC and HSCU1G,
equipped with GSM modules, transmit the same messages
on the GSM network, with priority for SMS messages; 11 fac-
tory programmed SMS's with technical information are sent
following an event. Each of the 63 contact numbers can be
mapped to any vocal/SMS messages.
Caution! If an alarm is generated by a delayed detector, the
phone calls and SMS's are sent after 30 seconds. - Vocal / SMS messages to record/write: the
factory mapping provides 6 main events, which can be var-
ied/modified (see 6.2.2). The installer will program the mes-
sages in relation to the events in question. Caution! Persons
called by the control panel following a new event will listen to
(the message is repeated two times) or read the message in
uncoded form, and identify its origin from the phone number
or the message itself. - Factory programmed SMS's (HSCU1GC
and HSCU1G - N.B: messages 6, 7 and 11 on model
HSCU1GC only)
The control panels also have 11 technical SMS's, which are
sent to the appropriate numbers. See 6.2.5.
Identification: recording and entering the labels of the detec-
tors during programming enables the user to receive mes-
sages which exactly identify the device which has generated
them. - Phone calls to security companies: the control
panels are equipped to use the digital protocols employed
by security companies. The protocol must be programmed
in accordance with the security company's instructions. If a
GSM module is present, the messages can also be trans-
ferred to the cellular network. - Tele service calls: the control panels can be ena-
bled to connect automatically to the installer's offices (if he


Table of Contents

Table of Contents