How To Analyse Files - Novation TWITCH User Manual

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Preparing Your Files
Analysing Files
Before you play your music in ITCH it is very important to analyse your files first.
The ANALYZE FILES function processes the tracks in your library to detect file corruption,
prepare the waveform overviews, and if enabled, calculate the BPM values.

How To Analyse Files

To analyse your files, open ITCH with your hardware disconnected. On the lower right side of
the main screen you will see the ANALYZE FILES button. Click this to automatically analyse all
the tracks in your library.
tIp: You can also drag and drop individual folders, crates and files onto the button to analyse
small or specific groups of files at a time.
To force ITCH to re-analyse all files, hold CTRL while clicking on the ANALYZE FILES button.
Dragging a file, folder or crate which has already been analysed onto the button will also force
ITCH to re-analyse these files.

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