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Fold Roller Gap; Folding Speed; Accessory Assembly; Using The Dejam Handle - Martin Yale Mark VII AF Air-Feed AutoFolder Installation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions Manual


paper length, resulting in the zigzag configuration. For a letter
fold, the 1st fold plate paper stop is set at 2/3 the paper length
and the 2nd stop at 1/3, resulting in the overlapping fold style.
Note: the letter fold measurements are not exactly 2/3 and 1/3,
as this would cause interference on the inside of the 2nd fold with
the paper edge. Always leave about 1/16" (1.6mm) space here to
allow trouble free folding. See Fig. 24

4.3 Using the Dejam Handle

The dejam handle is available in the event that the machine re-
quires manual motion to help clear paper that has become
jammed in the rollers or to manually turn the rollers for setup and
maintenance. Before using the dejam handle, first unplug the
power cord. Remove the 1st and 2nd fold plates and feed table if
necessary. Pull the handle outward while turning slightly to en-
gage the gearing on the rollers. Counter-clockwise rotation will
turn the rollers in reverse of normal operation which is typically
the best way to clear a jam. Remove the jammed paper once it is
freed from the rollers. It may also be necessary or easier to re-
move the feed table, fold plates, accessory assembly or the con-
veyor assembly to clear jams.
rotation is typically
the best way to
clear a jam
Fig. 25

4.4 Reversing the Separator

Separator Carrier
Eventually, the tips of the Separator will
wear down to the point where adjusting
the gap is no longer possible. When this
happens, remove the thumbscrew and
washer and flip the Separator over to use
the new end. Once both ends are worn,
replace the Separator. WARNING: The
slot in the Separator is designed to limit
the travel of the Separator to prevent the
metal backing from touching the Feed
Drum. Any modification to the Separator,
thumbscrew or Separator Carrier to over-
come this design will void the warranty.
Fig. 26
4.5 Adjusting the Conveyor Belts
In time, the conveyor belts may stretch and begin slipping or not
tracking straight. To correct, remove the conveyor assembly from
the machine; don't forget to unplug the power inlet connector
from the side of the machine! Turn the conveyor assembly over
and locate the two socket head screws that tension the belts.
Loosen the locknuts with a 3/8" wrench (not included) and re-ten-
sion the belts by gradually tightening the socket head screws. If
the belts were tracking straight, tighten both screws equally. If the
belts were skewing, tightening one side will cause the belts to
track away from that side. Once adjusted, tighten the locknuts.
See Fig. 27.
Conveyor belt
Lock nut
Socket head screw
Fig. 27
Important! Do not over tighten the belt tension as it may slow
the speed of the conveyor by overloading the gear motor or
cause the timing drive belt on the gear motor to slip, thereby
damaging the teeth of the belt or pulleys.

5.0 Maintenance

Warning! Rotating parts and electrical components
will be exposed when the side covers are removed. Al-
ways disconnect the power cord before servicing.
A routine maintenance schedule of the following topics will en-
sure many years of precision performance and help prevent op-
erational problems.

5.1 Fold Rollers

The fold rollers are the heart of the machine and require the most
attention. They are constructed of high quality, precision ground
polyurethane and should give many years of service provided
they are properly maintained.
To clean the rollers, first disconnect the power cord and remove
the feed table, fold plates, accessory assembly, and roller cover
to gain easy access to all four rollers. See Fig. 28
Be sure to unplug
machine first
Fig. 28
conveyor belts. This is a critical setting, especially at high speeds
as jamming can occur rapidly. There are two places to adjust the
stack wheels position, a thumbscrew to slide the small shaft and
a T-handle to slide the large shaft. The rotating joint in the large
shaft allows a full range of positions along the conveyor belts.
See Fig. 3.
The conveyor assembly is independently powered with its own
gear motor. This feature allows full adjustability to the stacking of
folded material at all speeds. The conveyor speed control turns
ON & OFF with the motor speed control switch. To affect the way
the conveyor stacks, simply change the conveyor speed at any
given folding speed. Slower conveyor speeds result in tighter
stacking. Conveyor speeds too slow or too fast will result in jams
or irregular stacks. As a general rule, the overlap of the stacked
Gear motor
material should be between ½" – 1", depending on fold styles and
paper types.
Power inlet
Timing belt
Fig. 10
3.5 Setting the Fold Roller Gap
The Mark VII is equipped with an adjustable roller gap system
that permits the widest range of folding options on various paper
types and weights. By inserting paper shims into the roller adjust-
ing levers, the sharpness of the fold crease can be lessened or
increased. The rollers are factory set to just touch each other
without pressure.
Each set of numbered Shim Levers protruding from the side cov-
ers represent the sequence and the roller gap the paper will be
passing through. For a typical folding operation such as a letter
fold in 20# copy paper, cut twelve 1" x 3" strips of that paper. As
there is a single sheet passing through the first roller gap, insert
one strip under each #1 Shim Lever. Once folded, there will be
two sheets passing through the second gap, ergo two strips in
the #2 Shim Levers. The last fold will have three sheets, requiring
three strips in the #3 Shim Levers. On a double parallel, four
strips are needed in the #3 Shim Levers. See Fig. 11
Fig. 11
The number of paper strips can be altered for personal prefer-
ence, but it is recommended to always use the same on both
sides to keep the roller gap even. Note: the #1 Shim Lever is the
Mark VII AF ready
most critical as there is only one paper thickness passing through
for roller cleaning
the roller gap. If the paper is not adequately pinched between the
first roller gap it may slip or skew, resulting in a crooked fold. To
test this, start a sheet by hand using the dejam handle. Once it
has entered the first set of rollers, try to pull it back while holding
the rollers with the dejam handle. If it slips, remove the paper
strips from the 1st shim levers.
3.6 Setting the Folding Speed
The Mark VII High-Speed AutoFolder is capable of folding 35,000
sheets of 8 ½ X 11 or A4 paper per hour. That's almost10 sheets
per second! However, not all paper is created equal and there-
fore the actual folding speed of any given size or type of paper
cannot be predicted or guaranteed.
The fold plates and paper stops have been designed to maximize
folding speed, limited only by paper condition or quality. Remem-
ber, only fold at speeds the paper can tolerate.
The first sign of excessive folding speed is usually damage to the
leading edge of the paper where it engages the 1st paper stop.
This is evident when small creases or tears occur along the edge
of the paper from impacting the cut-outs in the paper stop around
each set of guide rods.
Humidity plays a large role as well. Some paper will fold at high
speeds when dry but fail at those speeds after absorbing mois-
ture. Storing your paper in a low humidity atmosphere will im-
prove the folding speed greatly.
Obtaining the ideal folding speed for any given paper is some-
thing only experience will teach. Note that changing the speed
Fold chart label on Conveyor Tray
will change the fold length slightly. As the paper hits the paper
stop at higher speeds, it will compress more before buckling and
entering the fold rollers; resulting in a longer fold.
Hint: when setting the paper stops, keep in mind the desired fold
speed to avoid excessive re-adjustments.
3.7 Setting the Accessory Assembly
The exit rollers are adjustable to accommodate different widths of
paper. Typically, they are positioned so one to two inches of
paper is exposed on each side. To adjust the space between
them, use the dejam handle to rotate the shafts into a position
where the set screws are accessible. Loosen the screws in the
hubs with the 5/32" hex wrench and slide them on the shaft to the
desired position and re-tighten. See fig. 12
Fig. 12
Shim Levers
The guide fingers are used to assist the stacking wheels in producing a
neat stack. Typically, they are positioned on the outside of the wheels
and lightly on top of the stream of folded stock. They are adjustable in
the same manner as the exit rollers but with the 1/8" hex wrench.
The Accessory Assembly is held in place using the same pins
and slots method as the other assemblies. It is easily removed
for service by pressing the two white lock tabs simultaneously.
with hex
to adjust

