Index - DCS Vivaldi Transport User Manual

Upsampling cd/sacd transport
Table of Contents


dCS Vivaldi Transport User Manual
0/44.1 display .................. 10
acceptable disc types ........ 7
AES3 output .............. 10, 17
basic operation ................ 13
burn in .............................. 24
cables ................................ 8
CD tray ............................. 16
channel check .................. 24
cleaning ........................... 26
condensation ..................... 6
restore .......................... 23
save .............................. 23
configuration menu .......... 23
contact ............................. 21
DAC master mode ........... 11
display .............................. 14
brightness .................... 23
off ................................. 23
display menu ................... 23
Dual AES output .......... 9, 17
easyplay........................... 13
fast forward button ........... 16
feet ..................................... 5
front panel ........................ 14
fuse, replacing ................. 26
Vivaldi Transport Manual v1_2x
generator menu ............... 24
information menu ............. 21
layer ................................. 22
layer button ...................... 16
lock .................................. 23
menu ................................ 19
close ............................. 15
configuration ................ 23
display .......................... 23
generator ...................... 24
information ................... 21
PCM enable ................. 13
settings ......................... 22
upsampling mode ........ 13
using ............................ 20
menu back button ............ 16
menu button ..................... 15
menu forward button ....... 16
operating conditions ........ 27
AES3 ...................... 10, 17
connecting ...................... 9
Dual AES ................. 9, 17
SDIF-2 .................... 10, 17
SPDIF .................... 10, 17
word clock .................... 17
PCM enable ..................... 22
phase check .................... 24
play/pause button ............ 16
playing a disc ................... 13
Page 29
Software Issue 1.2x
April 2015
positioning ......................... 5
power button .................... 15
power off .......................... 15
power up ............................ 8
rear panel ........................ 17
remote control ................. 14
reset ................................. 23
restore configuration ........ 23
rewind button ................... 16
RS232........................ 18, 22
safety ................................. 6
save configuration ........... 23
SDIF-2 output ............ 10, 17
serial number ............. 18, 21
service ............................. 26
settings menu .................. 22
setup guide ........................ 8
sleep ................................ 15
software ..................... 21, 28
SPDIF output ............. 10, 17
specification ..................... 25
status ............................... 21
stop/eject button .............. 16
sync mode ....................... 11
sync to Master Clock ....... 12
update........................ 21, 28
upsampling mode ............ 22
version ............................. 21
voltage ............................. 18
wake ................................ 15
warranty ........................... 27
word clock input ............... 17
English version


Table of Contents

Table of Contents