Function Code 7 — Scroll An Area Of The Screen Down - Zenith Z-100 Reference Manual

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Function Code 7 — Scroll an Area of the
Screen Down
This code allows you to define an area of the screen to be scrolled downward
a desired number of lines. Load registers the same as for scrolling up.
Function Code 8 — Read Character and Attribute
This function code will return the character and attribute byte codes for the charac-
ter which resides at the current cursor position. Before calling, load the desired
video page in BH for text modes. Upon return, AL will contain the character
code, and AH the character attribute code.
Function Code 9 — Write Character/Attribute
to Screen
This code allows you to output a desired character and attribute to the current
cursor position. Load BH with the desired page number, CX with a value represent-
ing the number of times to repeat the character, AL with the character code,
and BL with the attribute code.
Function Code 10 — Write Character Only
to Screen
To use this function, load BH with the page number, CX the repeat count, and
AL with the character code.
Function Code 11~elect Current Graphics
This function is available only in 320 x 200 graphics mode. Load BH with a
number from 0 to 127 to represent the identification of the palette. Load the
actual color desired (0 to 4) value in BL
If BH is even, the current background color will be used for the foreground graphics
color, normally a value between 0 and 31. Values above 15 will select the intensified
level of the 0 to 15 colors. See Table 7.3.
Video Graphics Programming
Page 7.3?


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