HP 34970A User Manual page 322

Data acquisition / switch unit
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Chapter 7 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Excel 7.0 Example: ScanChannels Macro
' This Excel Macro (Visual Basic) configures the HP 34970A for scanning with the HP 34901A,
' HP 34902A, or HP 34908A multiplexer modules. When this subroutine is executed, it will
' scan 5 channels and display the readings on a spreadsheet. You can easily modify the
' channels in the scan list, number of scans, channel delay, and scan delay. To make these
' changes, modify the code in the section titled 'SET UP'. Note that you must have one of
' the above modules installed in slot 100 for this program to run properly. You must also
' have an HP-IB interface card installed in your PC with the VISA or VTL library.
Option Explicit
Sub ScanChannels()
Dim columnIndex As Integer
Dim numberScans As Integer
Dim numberChannels As Integer
Dim ScanInterval As Single
Dim points As Integer
Dim replyString As String
Dim scanList As String
Dim channelDelay As Single
Dim Channel As Integer
' To change the HP-IB address, modify the variable 'VISAaddr' below.
VISAaddr = "9"
' SET UP: Modify this section to select the scan interval, the scan count,
' and channel delay.
' These are variables that are used to set the scan parameters
ScanInterval = 10
numberScans = 3
channelDelay = 0.1
' To delete channels from the scan list, modify the scan list string variable
' 'scanList' below. To add channels to the scan list, modify 'scanList' and then
' configure the channel using the CONFigure command.
' 'scanList' is the list of channels in the scan list; note that this does not have
' to include all configured channels in the instrument.
scanList = "(@101,102,110:112)"
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP TC,T,(@101)"
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP TC,K,(@102)"
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP THER,5000,(@103)"
SendSCPI "CONF:VOLT:DC (@110,111,112)"
SendSCPI "ROUTE:SCAN " & scanList
numberChannels = Val(GetSCPI())
' Set the delay (in seconds) between relay closure and measurement
SendSCPI "ROUT:CHAN:DELAY " & Str$(channelDelay) & "," & scanList
' The column number of the data
' "1" indicates the first data column
' Total number of scans
' Total number of scanned channels
' Time interval in seconds between scans
' Reading count in instrument memory
' Store the string returned from instrument
' List of channels included in scan
' Delay between relay closure and measurement
' Clear the spreadsheet
' Open communications on HP-IB
' Issue a Factory Reset to the instrument
' Delay (in secs) between scans
' Number of scan sweeps to measure
' Delay (in secs) between relay closure and measurement
' Configure channel 101 for temperature
' Configure channel 102 for temperature
' Configure channel 103 for temperature
' Configure three channels for dc volts
' Select the list of channels to scan
' Query the number of channels in scan list and
' set variable equal to number of channels
' Return channel number with each reading
' Return time stamp with each reading
Continued on next page


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