Wing Assembly - THUNDER TIGER Staudacher S-300 Assembly Manual

Table of Contents



I. Mount Servos
With the wing panel upside down, locate the servo well and cut an
X from corner to corner using a hobby knife.
Use a sealing iron to tack down the covering inside the servo well.
With the wing rightside up, locate the servo wire exit hole and
remove covering.
Attach the 12" aileron extension lead to the servo and thread the
wire through the ribs until you can see the wire connector in the first
wing panel. Secure the servo.
Use Needlenose Pliers or Tweezers to take connect out.You might
wisely use a piece of clear tape to temporarily hold the servo pigtail to
the wing to prevent it from slipping back into the wing while you are
Remove the aileron and insert Pins into the centers of the hinges.
Apply thin CA to Hinges (both sides).
Locate the two Hatch Cover Plates, cut away the covering as shown.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents