Symbol PTC-71 User Manual page 30

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cases, the com pany's in side wir ing as so ci ated with a sin gle
line in di vid ual ser vice may be ex tended by means of a cer ti -
fied con nec tor as sem bly (tele phone ex ten sion cord). The
cus tomer should be aware that com pli ance with the above
con di tions may not pre vent deg ra da tion of ser vice in some
sit u a tions.
Re pairs to cer ti fied equip ment should be made by Sym bol.
Any re pairs or al ter ations made by the user to this equip -
ment, or equip ment mal func tions, may give the tele com mu -
ni ca tions com pany cause to re quest the user to dis con nect
the equip ment.
Users should en sure for their own pro tec tion that the elec tri -
cal ground con nec tions of the power util ity, tele phone lines
and in ter nal me tal lic wa ter pipe sys tem, if pres ent, are con -
nected to gether. This pre cau tion may be par tic u larly im por -
tant in ru ral ar eas.
CAU TION! Users should not at tempt to make such con nec -
tions them selves, but should con tact the ap pro pri ate elec tric
in spec tion au thor ity, or elec tri cian, as ap pro pri ate.
The Load Num ber (LN) as signed to each ter mi nal de vice de -
notes the per cent age of the to tal load to be con nected to a
tele phone loop which is used by the de vice, to pre vent over -
load ing. The ter mi na tion on a loop may con sist of any com -
bi na tion of de vices sub ject only to the re quire ment that the
to tal of the Load Num bers of all the de vices does not ex ceed
100. An al pha betic suf fix is also spec i fied in the Load Num -
ber for the ap pro pri ate ring ing type (A or B), if ap pli ca ble.
For ex am ple, LN = 20 A des ig nates a Load Num ber of 20
and an "A" type ringer.
For the PTC-710, the Load Num ber is 4, with no al pha betic
suf fix.
24 / The PTC-710


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